Just taking a quick break from laundry and housecleaning to say we're home. We flew out of Anchorage at 11 p.m. on Tuesday night, landing in Denver at 5:54 a.m. yesterday. A long, uncomfortable, and bumpy flight.
We came home, dumped suitcases, and went to sleep until almost noon. Then spent the rest of the day lounging and letting our souls catch up with our bodies.
I waaay overslept this morning and Audrey and I rushed out the door to get her to her first tutoring appointment at school (while I went to the grocery) and then rushed to get to her vision therapy five minutes late. By the time we came home it was lunch time and time for laundry and unpacking and vacuuming and such.
We had a great last day in Alyeska on Tuesday before flying home--more about that and pictures as soon as I catch my breath a little.
Welcome Home!
Posted by: Sara | June 26, 2008 at 04:58 PM
Wow~ back already! It looks like it was a wonderful trip. Glad to have you back!
Posted by: Kimberly | June 26, 2008 at 06:21 PM
Yay you're home! Looking forward to more pictures!
Posted by: Puva | June 26, 2008 at 10:55 PM