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Fun treasures! The map's awesome!

Holly at Crownlaiddown

I'd love to come! Let me see what my Chris says--if he has any plans then. It was so much fun last time!!

Love and prayers friend,

Holly at Crownlaiddown

P.S. I love the way you have your photos framed--reminds me of the good ol' polaroid with an updated fresh, whiteness!


LOVE the tablecloth!!!


My friend Leslie just passed on your blog link because you referenced the Paris Street Market. I had to comment on your "book bag"...I was so tempted to purchase the Mary Poppins one when I saw it on Saturday. Now that I see yours I wish I had. Kudos on your great finds.

miss chris

Yes! Me! What wonderful finds. That tablecloth is great.

Love the paris bathroom too. So happy to hear you took on that wallpaper and got it done. Beautiful!


I love all the photos, and remembered you had found a great site to frame these... can you post the name again.
I'm scheduling like a crazy mom, to help my kids have something to look at to look forward,,, We needed your last few blogs! Thanks! Laura

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