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Thank you for your sweet note which arrived yesterday. Your friendship is deeply appreciated.


This is a HUGE challenge for me. I've been thinking about this lately, how I can be still. You can imagine my surprise when I popped over here this morning. Yes, I think this is a sign!!


Oh, you'll find it so rewarding, Joanne! I'm actually surprisingly good at being still with the Lord. Unfortunately, these days, if I'm "still" for too long, I doze off!

I love your definitions; they help to give an even better understanding of how to go about being still.


LOVE my bag!


The joke around here is that I do a lot of "running around" the house--I have a hard time just being--I am certainly a "do-er." Someone suggested once that I just sit and do nothing--and I think the expression on my face must have been one of complete shock and disbelief: a) is that even possible and b) why would I want to do that?

Perfect for me to read today--the definitions hit home with me, particularly the note that God will not fail. Thanks for the inspiration to try this in my quiet times again.


I definitely need to work on being still... especially in prayer!

Looking forward to a post on Wonder Woman... we recently borrowed the first season from a friend. The kids got a kick out of the invisible plane and loved when Diana's sister came to visit.


Would you believe that being still takes practice? Lots and lots of practice. Just like anything else worthwhile!


I long to be able to do that as well Joanne. I have difficulty getting my mind to just stop for a few minutes - stop thinking about the next thing or something totally unrelated to spiritual things. I know that it is in that still place I will hear His voice. I am trying to learn to listen.
By the way - I hope I get to see you at the Siesta Fiesta. I live just a little north of SA and am counting the days.


Loved reading those definitions. Even... to fail. Wow. So He can succed... and we know it was Him! So wonderful to just KNOW He is. I think I'm gonna keep this post to ponder on again. Thanks for the encouraging comments and prayers. He lifts us up! Have a great weekend in doing... and in being still!

Marla Taviano

Yeah, my fam has the same "joke" about me. I needed this tonight. I should go be still with God right now...

Stopped by to say that I wrote a little blurb about you on my blog just now.

Hugs to you, friend!

Holly B.

I too, needed this, Joanne. Thanks for sharing!


I think it is worth it I actually start my daily time with the Lord that way; I actually found it easiest to be still lying down. It may sound strange but that is what works for me. Take the time and experiment and do what is best for you, I also find walking in a quiet place with no music or anyone else is a nice hello. Not sure if I am helping with this but just don't get too legalistic, I believe it comes naturally and it may differ for each person.


Being still is hard for me too...and sometimes if I'm too still...I fall asleep! Quiet time is a big struggle with me right now!


Thank you so much for sharing this. I've been struggling with the same thing--it is just so hard for me to be still and focus. Thanks for the definitions. It always helps me to go back to the original text of God's Word to discover His true meanings. Thanks again for sharing.

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