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« Ice cream, comments, and mulch | Main | Getting out of a hair rut »


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You deserved all of those popsicles! The mulch looks great!


Wow, that is a lot of mulch. Did you do it all ???alllllllll in one day!!!!!???


That is definitely a lot of mulch! It would have taken me many many days to get that done. I applaud your determination and courage to face this task head-on and emerge victorious! Mission accomplished! Or should I say, mischief managed!


I just remembered. No more alphabet memes?


Your yard looks fabulous! That is such hard work! I'm sorry I haven't commented in a asked where my sister lived? She lives in Denver too. I just got to visit her in April, it was so nice. I also have friends that live in Loveland.

I would love to meet up with you in San Antonio! I am staying at the Riverwalk Marriott. I am coming in on the Thursday and leaving on the Sunday. I'll send you an email closer to the date with my cell # and we can try to hang out!

Hope your Sunday isn't too painful!


I'd say you did a good day's work! It all looks just perfect - and I'll bet you slept well last night too.
Advil is always my drug of choice too whenever I do anything really physically demanding. Great stuff!

Heidi guys did a TON of work...literally! I just finished cleaning my upstairs carpets with my new machine. I love it...appeals to my scubby/clean side! Auston is out mowing...we seem to have flipped our Sabbath day and napped most of yesterday. God gave us some good ol' relaxation. Now we are all motivated and industrious. Must be all the lovely sunshine! Oh, and my treat of choice right now is a total fixation on Bazooka real bubble gum. I am SOOOO trying to be good and drop the pounds...have been kickin' it with Turbo Jam too. You would be so proud of me! Things still jiggle, but not so horridly! So rock on Bazooka...15 cals/piece!!!! Keeps my mouth quite busy.


I've been reading your blog since I read Living Simply in a class at my church this spring. Thanks for a ton of great ideas. Your yard really inspired me to get out in my flower beds, but since I live in the wonderful Texas heat, it may not happen! Have a good week!


Looks great!

A little food for thought now that you're done... I saw on a show not long ago that roadkill is ground up and used in mulch. So on that happy note... ;)


Looking good, Joanne! We have about 8 cubic yards of mulch dumped in our driveway each year and I can sympathize. It makes such a difference, though... good work! :)

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