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Dawn W

Happy Birthday, Toben! Hope you have fun things planned for your weekend while Joanne is away!

Be blessed!


To Toben: HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Have a great one!

To Joanne: Awww... this is so sweet =)


You are a joy! One of my goals this weekend was to have a conversatin with you. You are so beautiful, inside and out! I was so happy to be able to sit with you at lunch on Friday! How nice it is to have a new friend!

PS...Happy Birthday Toben!


Happy Birthday Toben!

Thank you for sharing your wife with all of us Siestas... and praying that you had a super stupendous birthday cause you Rock dude....


Hey Joanne,

I have seen your picture and profile all over blogville in the past year. I was visiting the "Preacher's Wife" blog, and saw the cutest picture of you and her :)

I missed the Siesta, but it appears from the little information that is surfacing that you all had a blessed time. See you around, and Happy Birthday to Toben :)


Yes! It was FANTASTIC! I learned so much its ridiculous. Plus, I feel like i did about a thousand crunches from laughing so hard.


Wish you a very Happy Birthday Toben.

May God shower his choicest blessings on you and your precious family.


Lisa R-P

Happy Birthday Toben! My birthday was on August 22nd. We Leos are a fun group :0

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