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Sorry I haven't been commenting for a while. I've been off to camp! Audrey's 10! YAY! Happy belated birthday, Audrey! We're now officially 1 digit (9 years) away from each other!

It's great she got a sewing machine! Have fun sewing with her! I'm sure she will enjoy sewing with you. I love sewing with my mom!

Alisha Westby

Hi, I really enjoy reading your blog! I found your blog via something I read in a Whitworth publication. I was wondering what the titles are of the books you got Audrey for her birthday? My girl will turn 10 in October and I'd like to check 'em out. Thanks!


She is beautiful. Looks like a very fun birthday! My boys will be 5 in December. I just can't believe how fast they grow!


Happy Birthday to Audrey!
Ah yes, time... My oldest granddaughter is sixteen, and I simply cannot figure out how that happened so quickly. I look at my sons with their children and think, "When did that happen?" It seems literally like yesterday that they were little boys themselves.
Enjoy these precious years Joanne. Safe trip home.

Melissa @ Breath of Life

Happy 10th, Audrey. My girl will be 10 in October. We've got that book (though not the journal yet). We've had the first part of The Talk...not quite ready for the 2nd part, though she is asking questions.

Hope you have a wonderful day!


Happy birthday!
I just read a wonderful book my 10 yr. old girl, "Preparing Your daughter for Every Woman's Battle." It was excellent!

Beth Whitney

Happy birthday!! :)

My oldest starts HIGH SCHOOL a week from tomorrow-it is finally sinking in and I am not very happy about all of this. Especially since last week in walmart two boys were talking to her and asked her for her number! YIKES!!!


Happy Birthday Audrey! We are so glad to read that you are having a great week. We have been doing the same things up in NY. Putt putt, swimming, boating, and fishing. We hope to see you soon back home!
Love Sarah and Emily


Happy 10 to Audrey! Cameron will turn 10 this October... and I agree, the time has flown!


And a perfect 10 she is too!

Love that she loves the sewing machine :-)


I can easily relate to this... goes by too quickly for a Mommy ! we hit 9 this summer and close to 5ft tall now.


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