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"discovered that I'm not really a gym kind of a gal"
Hah! Me either! I was downstairs in the basement working out to Superchick on FULL BLAST on my headphones. They rock. I can sing at the top of my lungs, if I dare, and no one will care. I just don't want to wake anyone up!
BTW-Ricky enjoyed watching Kirk dancin'!

Holly B.

You make me laugh! Kirk Franklin is fun!

Sarah Miller

I'm right there with you girl! We went to a wedding on Saturday. We were practically the only family dancing. I was tempted to request some Kirk...knowing my girls would really go crazy. My husband put the kabash on that, so we rocked out to VBS songs for the whole 3 hours home! :) Love Kirk Franklin!
Oh yeah, I picked up Living Simply again for my annual read...I just love it! Thank you so much for writing it! I am making preparations for the Fall. Thank you!


It's hard not to make some noise when listening to Kirk Franklin.

Dawn W

I actually sighed out loud thinking about your vacation at the lake. We spent the afternoon on the water yesterday - trying to relax in this miserable TX heat. It worked! Now if we could just be there again today!



Have a great time at the lake! We're heading to the lake, but just for a day, on the 16th, to spend the day with bff, Lori and her family. Boating, eating, sunning, laughing...looking forward to it!

Michele K

I found your site a few months ago and have so enjoyed reading and learning from you. I was raised Catholic and have lost touch with my religion the last few years. Life felt too busy with being married and having a young daughter. Clearly that is when y ou need it the most! I didn't realize how much I missed it until I started reading your site. Thank you so much. I read your husbands book Wrecked this weekend and thought it was outstanding. Thanks to your family for sharing your thoughts and insights. You have really motivated me to put more effort into my faith and spiritual life.

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