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Thanks for this post. Will be waiting for your other thoughts on it.

I've actually been dealing with some of those same things. It is just always so amazing how God confirms things for His children.

Have a great trip! (Even the car ride...ugh!)

Queen B

I'll be looking forward to the rest of your posts on this!!

Enjoy the lake!

Holly B.

Excellent thoughts, Joanne! I look forward to hearing more details. Bonnes vacances, mon amie !


I can't wait to hear more. Yes, the thought of having a Sabbath has been popping up all over the place for me too. God is speaking to a whole generation of wives and mothers that have realized that we can't keep going at the pace we are going and still have the family that we desire. Either that or we were all raised on Little House on the Prarie.

Dawn W

I'm smiling ear-to-ear as I read your post. I know where you are, having already been led there by the Lord. I can't wait to hear more about your process and what your Sabbath is going to look like.

I especially like and can relate to your last description: deliberate. What a great word to describe what I was trying to convey to you in my hasty email.

Have a wonderful, relaxing time!



You know what is one thing that makes Sunday restful for me? When I make a big meal on Saturday night and we have leftovers on Sunday. It's a small thing, but when I'm "deliberate" about it, the payoffi is big.

Can't wait to hear more.

Have a FUN trip!


I'm looking forward to those posts Joanne (although I'll be away from the computer for the next week - but I'll catch up!). We attend a saturday night service at our church, but I agree with you, we do need to make the sabbath a special day.
Yes - the Lord does do that with me. In fact, sometimes I feel as though He is hitting me over the head with something (I tend to be a little slow to get things..).
Have a wonderful vacation time. Rest, relax, enjoy!


I agree with you whole heartedly. Sometimes, we go to church on Saturday night, in order to keep the Sabbath a peaceful unrushed family kind of a day.

(also, I too am a big fan of parentheses)

Hope you're having a grand time at the lake!

Marla Taviano

Love this! Love you!


I so agree, especially with the last line:)

Melissa @ Breath of Life

I'm just catching up from vacation.

Honestly, for me, I changed my thinking on the Sabbath after reading your book. I have since made the effort to keep Sundays peaceful. I gave myself permission to take a nap, read a book, and not do ANY housework or errands except a big lunch or dinner (depending on my husband's work schedule...which, sadly, can't be changed). We eat on the china and my girl loves it because it makes the day special. I try to make a nice meal, because that's one day that I actually have time in the kitchen and my girl & I are starting to do it together. It's wonderful family time.

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