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Yep, it was hot here today too, but thankfully, we have air conditioning, so my house is about 10 degrees cooler than yours. *smile*

Loved your pictures from the weekend...especially the one on Lisa's blog of your height differences! Hilarious.

Bobbie Lutz

Would you believe that it was 61 degrees in Seattle today! It was a beautiful day around the North Sound, and I'm still not sure why we're moving!! LOL

Love your pictures from the Bass Pro Shop, looks like y'all had a great time! If you get really good at killing rattlesnakes, you can come see me.


Melissa @ Breath of Life

I have AC, but I'm ready for fall myself! It's my favorite time of year.


Your trip sounds great! Love the photos!


Hi Joanne:) I didn't really get to spend any time getting to know you at the siesta fiesta this past weekend, but I am loving your blog! I am back at home this year and homemaking is one of my biggest struggles and one of my biggest joys too. The things you have here are right up my ally:) I downloaded the ABCs of simple living and I will probably order your book. Wonderful!! I'll be back around for sure:)


That first snowfall can't be more than 6 weeks away, can it? ;) I so know how you feel. The summer before we moved to Seattle (living in Castle Rock), we had 64 days of 90 and above, and of course no a/c. Now I have a/c in Seattle--mostly so I can keep all the allergens out, rather than for the cool temps. E.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g. grows here, and I'm allergic to most of it.


So I want to know...Does Meredith still have her accent?

The problem with having these southern accents of ours is that when you go other places (such as our trip to Mexico) you stand out like a sore thumb. My husband even makes fun of my southern accent.

Looks like you had a good trip...I've always wanted to go to San Antonio.


70 degrees here today...we have had the best August I can ever remember. August is usually high 90's and 90% humidity. We have had none of that.

I'm ready for Fall, my fave pumpkin candle burning in the living room. Decided...the heck with it...lit my McIntosh candle in the bathroom off the kitchen and in the dining room and threw in a Melon Splash candle for good measure in the kitchen. But it's the pumpkin one that makes me giddy...FALL! Yippee!!!!!!

I have an Eiffel Tower charm on my bracelet, also. Never been...but dad did a lot of travelling in his Army days.


I'd trade !
we had NO summer ! just a few sunny days here and there. batteries are not refilled.
I fear Fall+ Winter, if they're wet, as well...

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