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Melissa @ Breath of Life

Why must you keep tempting me with books?!

I'm trying to set up a "store" on Amazon like you have. I need to make a button, though. Might be seeking your help!


Robert Benson is one of John's favorites too, and I thought "I need to buy that book for him". I asked him last night if he knew RB had a new one out, and he already has it! Go figure.

John also told me a funny story about that book...I'll email you b/c it's LONG!

I was up in your neck of the woods yesterday. I had to get back to pick up my kids or I would have loved to have stopped to say "hi".


Sadly, the multitudes but serve "time" in the prison that is this world, for monies sake ;-(

Yet there is hope!

For Miracles do happen!

Hope is there would be those who experience The Miracle that is receiving "a love of The Turth" for they will take heed unto The Call of "The Only True GOD" to "Come out of her, MY people"!

They will "Come out" of this wicked, evil world and it's systems of religion!

Peace in spite of the dis-ease(no-peace) that is of this world, for "the WHOLE world is under the control of the evil one" indeed and Truth.......

The Truth is never ending.......

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