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Dawn W

I'm off to bed with a chuckle... thanks to your post!



The caprese sandwhich looks tasty. And yes, the everything bagel from Panera is the best!

The Roost

My sister lives in NY and we love visiting her there. It opened up a whole new part of the country for us. Now I can get around in in fairly easy and my youngest daughter even went to college there one summer!
Sandwich looks great! Will have to try that one for sure.


That is one of my favorite sandwiches! Oddly, it doesn't stick around long enough for me to get a photo...

How fun to visit New York. :) That is a wonderful attitude.

Have a happy day!

Erin W

I love when you post recipes! There are so yummy and make me so hungry! I feel like a lurker on your blog but felt like I better post something since you posted on my blog today: ) I have been reading along with you but since my hysterectomy 6 weeks ago I just haven't had much of a chance to leave you posts and such. All my best to you! You are on our calendar for MOPS next April and I can't wait to meet you in person!!
Have a splendid day!!


That is the yummiest sandwich I've ever seen!!!

Thanks for stopping by the ole blog and praying for me....Guess what??? I've got me some peace right now. Keep praying...its trying to sneak back in again and again. ;)

Much love,

Lisa @ The Preacher's Wife

Do you have any idea how much Luke McKay will love you if I actually follow through and make this sandwich for him? It looks divine...


LOL. Thanks for the phone call that day. It was just what I needed. The sandwich looks even better than it sounded. Gonna have to try it!
Later, gator!

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