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future spouses for my daughters
the twins' birth mother
our finances

Melissa @ Breath of Life

Salvation for family members
Personality traits of mine that NEED CHANGING

There are probably others.

Helen at A Work of Heart

Love this Joanne...deep minds think alike...when I wrote my post about Deeper Still...that was Priscilla's first question to us...what have we stopped praying about/for?

Definitely challenging but also so encouraging...the Lord never tires of hearing our prayers.

Have a blessed Thursday!


The answer to your question is - yes, there are things I have given up on praying about. Maybe not given up, but just forget to lift them daily to the Throne Of God. Thanks for the reminder.


Almost everyday for the last two years I was praying to the lord to bless us with a baby. Only last month I started thinking that may be its not the right time and God will hear when he thinks its best. But deep down my heart I know I wish that God would hear now and so I need to start asking again.


I understand what Priti is going through. I prayed for a child constantly and at the same time prayed that if it wasn't his will that he'd fill that void. God did bless us with a child. Then, I started praying for baby #2. I have stopped praying for another child because I believe that his answer must be "no" after so many years of waiting and my age. Plus, now that I'm 43, my desire for another child has lessened. But, I do leave it in his hands and we would be thrilled if it happened although scared!!! Priti, I said a prayer for you! Missi


I enjoyed this post as always, but this one was especially thought-proking. I'd thought about it since I read it and keep coming back to it. Thanks for the reminder.


Excellent! God is just waiting for us to really get to it. Here's a great place to start.

This is a link to the 40/40 Prayer Vigil that just started Wed.

I posted and set up a link to it on my page...then sent out emails as well to everyone person of faith I know.


Such a great reminder--to lay it at His feet. again and again.

Betty Beguiles

I really enjoyed this post! Thank you. :)


that question in bold print alone gave me chills-because the answer without hesitation is yes. yes i have.
thanks for the prompting to pray for someting once again.
bless you~

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