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Guess that means I'll need to work on my attitude about all those diapers I change--whatever! :)


Thank you for this. Much to think about here!

Melissa @ Breath of Life

Preach on, sister! This reminded me of a verse that stepped on my toes a few days ago:

To what purpose is the multitude of your sacrifices to Me [unless they are the offering of the heart]? says the Lord. I have had enough of the burnt offerings of rams and the fat of fed beasts [without obedience]; and I do not delight in the blood of bulls or of lambs or of he-goats [without righteousness]. - Isaiah 1:11 (AMP)

Meghan Kuyper

It was great to meet you, Joanne, at the coffee event. (I sat with you, Janna & Paula talking about Nancy Drew and Paris Street Market!) Thanks for coming to Faith to share with the moms. It's inspiring to see you walk in the calling God has for you individually, as well as hear what he's calling all of us to corporately: "whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus." I hope to keep up on your blog and see you again!


Well, I HAD been studying in Ephesians, but, Whatever, I guess God had this in mind for me today as it struck chord after chord beautifully. I'm so printing this out.


Wow! This is wonderful! I'm going to share it and share it with the ladies in my small group this weekend. Thanks Joanne!


This one is a printer-outer-and-put-with-my-devotionals-post.

Spot on, my friend.

Beth Whitney

I was just trying to say all of this in a lecture in the car on the way to school. It wasn't working(shocker!) My oldest is 14, and it seems her bday gift to us is a rotten attitude-about everything! She doesn't care if she does a lousy job, etc. She acted like she had never heard of this concept before (whatever) after going to sunday school, church, awana, and Christian school. (Yeah, Right!) I am praying this will touch her spirit and convict her of her attitude! I know a lecture from mom just ain't gonna cut it!

Thanks, Joanne!


Wow, thank you Joanne! This was a message that I needed to hear as I have been struggling with the WHATEVERS that have come my way lately.


Somewhat off topic...

I so wish I could leave you a video comment. My dad taught Addie how to say "Whatever" with some attitude (um, thanks Dad), but it's sooo cute. She says, "What-ev-oo." Had I been there with Janna, I might not have held a straight face with that in my mind!

Thanks for the insight, Joanne. I'm going to print it out and tuck it in my Bible to read again later this week.


I really like that, it will help me steer away from a negative use of 'whatever' and remember to do whatever as unto the Lord!
good stuff!!!

Jennifer Cone

Thank you for sharing! I LOVE IT!! Am totally sharing this with my Women's group this coming Tuesday.... and may also forward it to some other friends as encouragement.

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