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the Roost

Girl, I am so with you on the plumbing. Love the outdoors just not at night and potty time. Have Fun!


I saw the ELk Fest page and it seemed like a lot of fun. I send warm wishes from my family to yours for a great weekend.



Have fun. I can hear them bugling in my mind. :)


Have a great time!

If the tent doesn't have plumbing and electricity for my hair dryer...forgetaboutit!


Sure would love to be a fly on the wall as you sit through "The Rut" lecture and then further explain that to the girls. Totally brings back the jr. high giggles! ;) No way I'd make it through that one with a straight face! I'm sure they'd ask me to leave! I'm with ya sista...camping in cold weather is not my cup of tea....since I like my teacup to be clean and me to be clean drinking my tea!!!

Dawn W

Sounds like you have a really fun weekend planned... especially with the modern plumbing!!!

I'll bet you'll bring back some gorgeous pictures to share with us.



How fun! I haven't camped in a long time but I love it as long as I have a nice camper w/ a bathroom. :) If not, condo, hotel, chalet would be fine. :)

I hope you post pictures. I love to roast marshmallows but I like my burnt. :)

Have a blessed Sunday.

p.s. I can't believe Lisa, you and myself have a Daisy. Our Daisy is the funniest dog and she cracks me up all day.

Christian Louboutin High Heels

I say the same things to my little ones regularly, and it often speaks to me as well. Great honest post and encouragement. Our God is loving and forgiving, and thankfully he is willing to guide us, even when we aren't so quick to choose the wise thing.

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