Along with a weekly schedule--something we've been working on and talking about together--it helps to have a daily schedule too.
And since the day starts first thing in the morning, let's begin with a morning schedule.
I grew up with elaborate charts that my mom made with construction paper and fine-tip markers and rulers and stickers. I can remember her sitting at the kitchen table, drawing perfectly straight lines and neat little boxes for my sister and I to check off or fill with little stickers.
For a period of time, our mornings were carefully orchestrated. As kids, we knew exactly what to do and exactly when to do it. Even practicing the piano was done before we left for school--dressed, fed, beds made, and rooms cleaned.
By the time we reached high school, Kristen and I planned our own mornings. But we'd learned how to make mornings work. So we were only late to school when we got stuck at the train tracks.
I don't have quite the chart that Mom made (in fact, our morning schedule isn't really written down anywhere), but our mornings are very predictable and structured. Why? Because it gets everyone out the door in a good mood and without being in a rush--something that is sure to send Emma off the deep end in no time flat. She hates feeling rushed. And who can blame her?
Here's what our school-day mornings look like:
5:00 a.m.
I get up, turn on the coffee, feed the animals, have my quiet time, drink lots of coffee
I get up, turn on the coffee, feed the animals, have my quiet time, drink lots of coffee
Check email, read blogs, write blog
Check email, read blogs, write blog
Audrey and Emma get up (get dressed, make beds)
Breakfast (I eat breakfast with them and usually read out loud--it keeps them from fighting first thing in the morning)
Pack backpacks; head upstairs to brush teeth, wash faces, get hair done
Out the door to school (we say prayers on the way to school each day, praying for friends, teachers, and our school)
A couple of things:
You'll notice that I'm not dressed or showered when they leave for school. That's because Toben usually drives the girls to school. On Thursdays when I go to school for chapel or when Toben is traveling, I shower the night before and head upstairs before 6:45 to get dressed and then I get my makeup on while they're brushing teeth and such. Then I drive them. (But if it's not Thursday, then I'll drive them in my jammies!)
The girls have chore charts on their closet doors that they check off in the mornings, reminding them to make their beds and brush their teeth and to do it without arguing. (More on chore charts for kids in another post.)
I set out their clothes (or I try to!) before the week starts. We check the forecast and then I determine what they'll wear each day based on the weather, chapel dress days, PE, and so on. Sometimes, they don't like what I've chosen. We negotiate. The night before if possible.
(I do the laundry and put it away since they are completely incapable of keeping their closets/drawers neat. They agreed that the price of me putting laundry away and straightening their drawers is not getting to set out their own clothes. They do know that they are always welcome to come help me set out their clothes.)
I pack lunches the night before. More on that when we get to our after school/evening schedule.
I have my quiet time everyday. Without fail. Not to be rigid or legalistic or to cross it off my list, but because I can't function without it. Trust me, it gets ugly by 7:15 if I've not had my quiet time in the Word and in prayer. Simply put, it's worth getting up even when I'd rather sleep longer.
We could get up and out the door in 20 minutes flat if we had to. But it's worth the girls getting up even when they'd rather sleep too. And if you asked them, they'd tell you it's true and not just me making them. Having about an hour works. Yes, we still have rough mornings from time to time. We all wake up on the wrong side of the bed every once in a while. But for the most part, I can honestly say we have great mornings.
How the morning goes sets the tone for the entire day. If you want to have a good day, you need to have a good morning. Yes, God can turn around a day that starts off badly, but it's soooo much easier to start the way we want to finish.
Here are some things to think about as you create a morning schedule:
- What needs to be done each morning?
- How long does it take to do each of those things?
- What kinds of things can you group together? (Getting dressed, making bed--both happen in their rooms and before breakfast)
- What time do you need to leave the house?
- Working backward from that time, what time does everyone need to get up?
Such a helpful post! Thank you for the inspiration!
Posted by: Queen B | October 22, 2008 at 05:29 PM
When I grow up...I want to be just like you, Joanne! You are my hero!
Posted by: Susan | October 22, 2008 at 05:51 PM
It's SO helpful to read someone else's schedule! To gather ideas, to ponder our own schedules, and to be encouraged that we're not the only ones out there struggling! Thanks for taking time to share!
Posted by: ann at mommysecrets | October 22, 2008 at 07:08 PM
I second Ann's comment, completely!
Posted by: Gretchen | October 23, 2008 at 09:00 AM
I completely appreciated this- as I am a notorious "snoozer" and wake up in time for a shower before rolling into work. I especially loved the schedule part-- I did get up early this morning and the day felt so much less rushed...from the beginning. Thanks!
Posted by: Mary | October 23, 2008 at 08:42 PM
I'm still tweaking our morning schedule a bit. My girls don't leave until 8:50AM, so we often find ourselves with lots of extra time in the mornings. But not every morning because they sometimes surprise me and sleep until 8AM. Most days it's more like 7:30, so we try to get our daily reading knocked out.
Posted by: Meredith | October 27, 2008 at 08:29 AM
Making noodles is MUCH easier and faster than it sounds. Once you do, youll be amazed at how yummy and easy they are!
Posted by: ghd hair straightener | September 07, 2012 at 07:00 PM