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Queen B

Such a helpful post! Thank you for the inspiration!


When I grow up...I want to be just like you, Joanne! You are my hero!

ann at mommysecrets

It's SO helpful to read someone else's schedule! To gather ideas, to ponder our own schedules, and to be encouraged that we're not the only ones out there struggling! Thanks for taking time to share!


I second Ann's comment, completely!


I completely appreciated this- as I am a notorious "snoozer" and wake up in time for a shower before rolling into work. I especially loved the schedule part-- I did get up early this morning and the day felt so much less rushed...from the beginning. Thanks!


I'm still tweaking our morning schedule a bit. My girls don't leave until 8:50AM, so we often find ourselves with lots of extra time in the mornings. But not every morning because they sometimes surprise me and sleep until 8AM. Most days it's more like 7:30, so we try to get our daily reading knocked out.

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Making noodles is MUCH easier and faster than it sounds. Once you do, youll be amazed at how yummy and easy they are!

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