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Simplify was the key word God gave me to describe 2008. So far...not so good. This will be PERFECT for me!

And thanks, Lisa, for boldly going where the rest of us (okay, me especially) needs to go but were too chicken (too overwhelmed?) to go!

Let's get this party (to simplify) started!


Dawn W

I'll be following!

Melissa @ Breath of Life

You know I've been pursuing peace & simplicity in 2008. I still have so much room for improvement. This is a great idea!

Kathryn Stoker (Kate)

I think if overwhelmedness is not a word, it certainly could's definatly understandable.
My life has changed so much in the past month and a half, it is difficult to define it. I think this will be good for me when things start changing...then I can make sure life doesn't overwhelm me along the way.

Org Junkie

Such a wonderful idea, looking forward to it!


I like the icon (:

Helen at A Work of Heart

Wow...such wonderful timing...I feel a bit at loose ends right child living at home going to college and working, one in high school, and one just now going to school daily half many different many different needs...I really feel like I am spinning my wheels and not getting a lot accomplished...the log seems like such a great idea...count me in today and beyond!
Although...we have made progress in our Sabbath that is good and probably the best way to start!

Jen @ I should be cleaning & myladybuggs

I hadn't read blogs in a while -- it's been crazy around here. But I love your new header and what a great post to come back to! Thanks.


What a great great idea! And all that stuff she said about you is so true! Thanks for letting us in on the deal.


Hey Joanne,
Wondering if you all would have a look over here and see what YOU can DO.

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