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Hi Joanne,
I thought I would share with you and everybody who reads this blog that today is Diwali,which is the biggest festival of Indians and is celeberated all over the world. It is the festival to mark the victory of good over evil. We clean our house, make sweets and worship the almighty for a new and happy beginning of another year.
"Happy Diwali"

Melissa @ Breath of Life

Saying a prayer for you now, friend!

I'm making your minestrone today in the crockpot...will let you know how the family likes it.

Kim Feth

Just a note of encouragement to say that I went ahead and starting reading to my son, Elijah, today. I didn't want to start tackling a big book and this not work out for my family. So, we started with a smaller chapter book. His required breakfast eating went down with much less whining and "carrying on". He wants to keep it up and so do I.
Thanks for the good advice!
Kim Feth
Apex, NC

Dawn W

Blessings upon your studies and preparations!



Yep, I celebrated Deepavali/Diwali on Monday! It was truly awesome! My friends and other relatives came over in the evening and we had a great time! Hope yours went well, Priti! =)

Hope you're having a great day, Joanne!


The picture is so cozy - the written in Word, a journal, a hand painted mug and the laptop on a wood table... May the Lord grant you wisdom and knowledge as you seek Him.


Praying that God will give you great wisdom.

Jules from The Roost

I pray God will use you in a mighty way to speak to the women!

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