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Melissa @ Breath of Life

Good stuff! I am fiercely protective of our family time. My husband works swing shift, so it's tough for us to be together as a family sometimes. I recently read that we need to look for the things in our lives we can say "no" to...and I find that when I actively look for opportunities to say no, I have a much simpler, peaceful life.

Dawn W

I agree! By establishing (and sticking to!)boundaries, we've been able to maintain family dinners each night (at least 5 nights out of 7) even with two teens and their activities. And, as we've previously discussed, boundaries have helped us protect our Sabbaths.


I find it really difficult to keep myself within boundaries. I ask my husband not to do his office work when we are at home, but at the same time I cannot bring myself to do that. Family dinner for us has become eating and watching TV. I really need to learn to be within boundaries and only then try to change things around me.

Many Thanks Joanne,
I really needed this.

Holly @ Crownlaiddown

What a very wise heart God has given you! Praising Him for your message to these women and just because you are you.


Great insights! And the maintenance part is so true... I'm always up for changing things for the better, it's just so hard to keep up. Maintaining it is key for me.


Great ideas, Joanne. How I would've loved to seen your presentation. I fall somewhere between "Priti" and "Dawn W" on the spectrum. The hardest part for me on any system, schedule, habit, or rule is doing the follow through. This is something I shall pray over. Blessings, Gretchen


Such great stuff, Joanne. is my middle name. I really struggle with it because our home is more like a hotel where dump everything and pick up more stuff to go out to the next thing, event, day, whatever. There is no calm. It is not peaceful. And I hate it. HATE IT.

The school papers pile up because we're reading them, signing them on the run. The sports gear piles up with the girl playing one sport, but practicing every day and the boy playing two sports. My hair is standing on end and my heart is racing just typing this! I think I need an intervention.

The Roost

These are so refreshing. I feel peaceful just reading them. Thank you for your message. I lead a small bible study at my home....We are going to use your book next semester. :)

Lisa R-P

This is so good, but so difficult to maintain. There is comfort in knowing that I am not alone in that struggle -- we are all on a learning curve. I have been working hard to keep an accurate log and cannot wait to see what strategies or suggestions you have to offer.


Really great thoughts! I like your statement, "Boundaries are for our protection, not our punishment." Something I really need to remind myself of.


Boundaries... this topic is so pertinent for me; NOW. I have taken on a lot this fall and have been struggling. This past week, all of my thoughts have been about boundaries; what's too much? Even though it has been a difficult 6 weeks, I think I was suppose to experience this for a reason... to learn to set boundaries. I'm simplifying and learning a good lesson... WHAT is REALLY important to me and my family.

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