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Tammy S.

Sounds like camp was a lot of fun. I loved the pictures of the braids. My little girl loves to have her hair done, but I can only do the basics. So I think on our next library trip, I need to find a book on braids!


Looks like fun! Happy Thanksgiving, Joanne!

Holly B.

Hope you're a bit more rested, Joanne! We'll celebrate Thanksgiving on Saturday with friends in Paris. Happy Thanksgiving to you, friend!


Darlin' braids! I love playing beauty shop too!
I'm grateful to the Lord for you and your blog Joanne. Blessings to you dear one.


Camp sounds so fun. I am glad to hear we aren't the only troop that does the mattress sliding while at camp.


No more exams! No more exams! No more exams! YAY!


Sounds like you had a great time! Think we may work on our Art to Wear badge.

I'm taking my Junior troop camping in 2 weeks. Chicago area - we could have snow.... many have never camped before. Pray for us!

I love camping! Mattress sliding... hmmmm..

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