I mentioned before that EVERYTHING goes on the family calendar. Including what we're going to eat for dinner every night (and where the recipe is located). Because my least favorite question in the world is "What's for dinner?" (In fact, I'd go so far as to say it's my most hated question!)
When I don't have an answer right away, the first thing out of Toben's mouth is "Let's go out for dinner!" And while I enjoy eating food someone else has made, it gets expensive awfully fast. And it just doesn't work on school nights very well.
My mom taught me to plan menus and make grocery lists. Her advice, "Never buy something that's not on the list." That and don't go to the grocery store if you're hungry!
I try to plan menus for the upcoming week on Saturdays, making my grocery list as I go along. That way it's all ready to go on Monday, which is the day I shop. (I also have a wipe board on the fridge--for keeping track of random things I run out of like lemon pepper or dijon mustard.)
I don't usually plan for breakfast and lunch. During the summer when we're all home, I will come up with lunch options--and make up a list that everyone can choose from each day. But during the school year, I just keep things like yogurt and string cheese and fruit and crackers on hand.
Mostly I sit down with a pile of cookbooks and flip through until something sounds good. I also ask everyone if there's something they're really craving. Then it goes on the calendar.
I put all the ingredients on my list--unless I know for sure I have what I need. If I'm not sure, it goes on the list. The last step is checking the pantry, freezer, fridge and taking off those things I have that I wasn't sure about.
Pretty simple.
As I plan, I take into account what's going on during the week. For example, on Monday, we have an all-school Girl Scout meeting and I know I won't be home until at least 5:00. I will be tired and I won't want to cook. So that's a good night for something quick and easy or a crockpot meal. Not the night to try anything complicated or something like risotto that requires, say, constant stirring and standing at the stove for an hour.
I also try to vary what we eat. Beef, chicken, pasta, soup. As well as kinds of food. Asian, Italian, French.
And I take into account what we already have on hand. Since our beef was delivered (thank you, Kurt and Sharon!) on Wednesday, that means we have plenty of beef available. And since I just went to Costco and stocked up on chicken, we have lots of that too.
When I first started planning menus, I went so far as to have a set schedule. Monday was chicken. Tuesday was pasta. Wednesday was soup. Thursday was beef. Friday was seafood. And so on. While I don't stick to that anymore, I will go back to that periodically--especially when NOTHING sounds good to me as I flip through cookbooks!
In addition to putting the main course on the menu, I plan side dishes. Rice, potatoes, salad, vegetables. I keep sides really simple and try to be as specific as possible, though sometimes I'll just put "vegetable" and wait to see what's on sale at the store or what looks good. (I hate it when I plan on asparagus and then the stuff at the store isn't very nice looking!) So sometimes the grocery list has something like "vegetable to go with roast chicken" on it.
I don't know about you, but I shop at the same store every week. (Costco is a once-a-month trip around here.) I don't really care if another store has something I need on a better sale. It takes me too long to find everything else I need to be worth it!
Because I know where everything is at my store, I organize my list according to the path I take, grouping like items together. And since my list is on the computer, I can cut and paste pretty quickly. But even when I used a paper list, I'd rewrite the list because it saves so much time.
So fruits and vegetables are always listed first, followed by deli items, dry goods, canned goods, and so on until I get to the milk. That way I avoid walking back seven aisles for something I forgot. (Well, most of the time anyway!)
I organize my cart as I shop too. Something that caused Toben to mock me incessantly last Monday when he went with me. Ya'll think he's nice, but he was so awful that he's now banned from going to the store with me. Forever. And ever.
Anyway, I keep like items together in the cart so they get bagged together. That makes putting everything away much easier and faster. (Have to say, I sure wish they'd teach the baggers at the store how to do that and not put my eggs on top of my lettuce, or the bag of canned goods on top of my produce bags. I'm always happy when there aren't enough baggers and I get to bag my own groceries!)
I know some of you have blogged about how you do this and there are all kinds of resources out there for menu planning and shopping. What works for you? And if you've blogged about it, be sure to put a link to your post in the comments.
My planning and shopping process is almost identical to yours! Since I do most of my shopping at a Super WalMart (and my grocery list is grouped according to the aisles there), I even goes as far as to go through the self-check lines so that I can bag my own groceries just the way I want them - out of the cart that has the items already grouped, too. Then when I get home if the hubby/kids help me unload, I stand in the kitchen and direct where they are to place the bags as they are carried in. (i.e., bags of dry goods are placed near the pantry, bags of frozen foods on the counter closest to the 'fridge, etc.)
I make a Sam's Club run about every 3-4 weeks for my bulk items and some bulk meats that I freeze.
I have a list of about 30 meals that are our family favorites that I almost always have the ingredients to make. Then, like you, I fill in with new recipes (or complicated ones) on days that I know I'm going to have more time to be "playing" in the kitchen.
It's so nice to know there are other women out there that plan things down to the detail like me. Most of my friends don't and, quite frankly, I think they believe I'm a little weird (OCD maybe?) about it. All I know is that it keeps my little part of the world running a little more smoothly!!!
Posted by: Dawn W | November 01, 2008 at 09:27 AM
I have two clipboards. One with a monthly menu and the second for groceries. I make it a goal to shop big every two weeks. I try to NEVER go to the store for things I miss. That is just a goal. Then I have a budget of about $250 every two weeks (including paper products, cleaners and diapers). So I try to plan for things that will stretch or be freezable. Every week or two, I pull out a frozen meal and try to keep our freezer from overflowing.
Often I buy frozen veggies more than canned. I prefer to buy cheese that is a block and sometimes make baggies of cubes, sticks and shredded. I buy hamburger in bulk and then seperate it and freeze it. If I make to much beef at once, I will freeze the rest for a quick meal later.
Oh, and we get milk once a week from the dairy. This saves on not having to stop by the store during the two weeks.
I guess that's all--sometimes I do coupons well and sometimes not. I guess when all our children are in school, I'll do better.
Posted by: Holly @ Crownlaiddown | November 01, 2008 at 09:53 AM
I've been doing this more and more. When I don't do it...we feel it in time, $$ and frustration. Now that the girl won't have volleyball practice every day and games 2-3x a week...it will be easier. She will work more after school, but since she drives and then can just eat when she gets home, that will "free up" several nights a week for me. (Don't get me wrong...I love watching her play and have even just shown up for practices to watch) but I think I am ready for a break. The fact that she's now picked up soccer...and will pick up hours during the week...well, my little girl is growing up and need to let her. (sob. hiccup.)
Anyway...got off subject. So I'll continue off topic...got it today and LOVE it. You are so amazingly talented. I can't wait to get the study and get it bound and all wrapped up and pretty to show off...er...I mean, to just take with me to bible study :)
Love ya.
P.S. I am LOVING this series you are doing! It is helping me get my act together. Well at least giving me IDEAS to start THINKING about getting my act together. LOL.
Posted by: Susan | November 01, 2008 at 01:49 PM
I also try to plan my menus on Saturday...it was difficult when the girls both had soccer games on Saturday to do it but I am always glad when I have taken the time to plan it out.
Lately as I feel in a bit of a cooking slump...I have been keeping a pretty file folder that has recipes that I tear out of magazines so I don't have to hunt for them later or they have been already recycled. Then if the recipe is a keeper than I keep it in a binder as a family favorite. I also try to find recipes that are an easy go to meal if I need to take a meal to a family.
The file folder has one side of recipes to try and the other side has the week's recipes all in one place...
Some weeks are a free for all and I will ask each person to pick one dinner...there are 5 of us so that can get us through the week fairly easily...although I know our 5 year old will always pick cheeseburgers...but hey the grill is on the covered patio so that is not too difficult to accomplish otherwise it is the Foreman grill.
Posted by: Helen | November 01, 2008 at 02:28 PM
That is one of my biggest pet peeves...baggers putting cold items with non-cold items. I try to unload them all together and even leave a space in between but they still sometimes put them together.
I can't tell you how many times I've left something in a bag when I thought nothing was cold only to find out it ruined because I didn't put it in the fridge. I sometimes will bag my own just to avoid the trouble later.
I'm enjoying your posts on simplifying. Thanks for sharing.
Posted by: Tara | November 01, 2008 at 06:14 PM
You all are my heroes. I aspire to be like you all!
I'm trying to plan out a weekly dinner list; sometimes it happens, sometimes it doesn't. I try to go through cookbooks, the sale ads, and also my coupons, on Tuesday nights.
I go shopping on Wednesdays (double ad day at my grocery store), and I take an extra trip to another store on a separate day maybe 1-2x/month if they have great sales combined with the coupons I have. I have a coupon holder that has everything separated by type, then the coupons I plan to use that day are in order in the front pouch. I do try to group items together at the store as well, and my most obsessive action is grouping them specifically as I get them out of the cart in the checkout line... that way the checker has no excuses. :)
Oh, and lastly... we get all our meat and frozen veggies delivered once every 8-10 months or so. Result? I NEVER have to buy meat at the store and we ALWAYS have something to eat, even during a snowstorm when all the food has been gone over in the stores. And it's all natural/locally grown, and similarly priced to the store.. so it's a win-win for everyone.
Posted by: Nikki | November 01, 2008 at 06:29 PM
Hi Joanne. I'm visiting from mer@7000feet's blog. Usually when I read your posts I feel so inadequate! :-) However,I'm really happy that I seem to have the same meal planning/shopping routine that you do. Woo Hoo! I'm also glad to know that I'm not the only one who organizes my cart and uses the self-check line just so I can group things together based on where they go at home. My hubby thinks I'm weird!
Posted by: lisa@littlesliceoflife | November 01, 2008 at 06:54 PM
What a nice entry! I really enjoyed reading it. I menu plan but generally just come up with different meals for the week - no assigned days and such. Most of our food is from scratch and was purchased on sale at a great price. It works for us! I have a pretty recent entry about it here:
Posted by: Denise | November 02, 2008 at 03:12 AM
Loved this post !! I had to laugh when I read that you group like items in your cart !! I'm a bit like that too ...
I recently did a post on menu planning as well ... http://bonnie-simple-beauty.blogspot.com/2008/10/sharing-menu-plans.html
Posted by: Bonnie | November 02, 2008 at 03:31 AM
Thanks for the post Joanne. What you said is actually reasuring. I organize my grocery shopping in a similar way. It's so worth it getting meals planned and lists ready. I'm much less stressed at the store.
Posted by: Sara | November 02, 2008 at 07:56 AM
Menu planning has been such a huge lifesaver for me which is why I started Menu Plan Monday. Please join hundreds of women as we plan and share our menus each week:
Posted by: Laura | November 02, 2008 at 09:26 PM
Oh to be as organized as you! I try, and usually it's good for about a week or two then something happens and it all falls apart. But I just keep trying ... thanks for the help, suggestions and INSPIRATION you give.
Posted by: Diane | November 03, 2008 at 06:20 AM
Joanne...thank you! I was planning to write a meal system post soon and now I can pretty much just copy and paste from yours. :) Just kidding, of course, but seriously, we're very much alike in our method.
I don't assign nights to my meals. I shop every two weeks so I keep a list of the meals I have ingredients for on the fridge and I decide each day what I'll prepare for dinner. Plus, I do a lot of prep when I get home from my bi-monthly trip to the store so that I can throw meals together quickly during the week.
When I post, I'll link back here!
Posted by: Meredith | November 03, 2008 at 08:04 AM
I'm a little more loosey goosey than you are, but the end result is similar. I try to plan crock pot meals for busy days and our big treats are LIttle Caesars ($5.55/pizza) on Friday nights and Taco Bell on Sundays for lunch. Sometimes I miss a meal, and when all else fails, we do breakfast for dinner ("mcmuffins" are a fave). Still, no matter how well prepared I am, I'm never thrilled to pull it all off at 5:00. I'm tired! Tonight, though, my son planned the meal, and helped prepare it: pb and j and carrots and pear/apple. Worked for me.
Posted by: Gretchen | November 03, 2008 at 11:49 PM
I like your ideas for shopping. I don't actually have a plan at all and usually end up at the store several times a week - spending way more than I should. I've been married for almost 18 yrs - you would think I would have a plan by now!
Posted by: Kristy | November 05, 2008 at 07:49 PM