I have a list a million miles long today, starting with taking the girls to school this morning for chapel and then prayer group followed by a zillion things to get done for Girl Scout camp. But I wanted to say hi.
I so didn't stay up last night--not sleeping well has taken it's toll on me and I was out by 8:04! Then up at 10:30, 11:45, 1:30ish, and again at 3:30. It didn't help that the cats decided to see who could run fastest all over the house. Cats are not light on their feet, no matter what anyone says!
And that was with a hefty dose of Nyquil.
I was so glad to get up at 5 o'clock and just have the night be over.
I mentioned earlier this week that I'm spending some time in Psalm 16 this week for my quiet time. I'm also memorizing the whole thing (!) for Memory Monday. (I'm getting there and need to go print it out--finally--to put in the car as I run errands today.) Anyway, I've been looking at the original Hebrew (blueletterbible.org) and learning so much. I'd love to share some of it with you--but I've got to go get dressed.
Anyway, just wondering...what have you learned in your quiet time this morning or this week?
I'm so glad you asked...it's early and nobody else is up to share what I just learned! I got up this morning, SO EXCITED to spend time with Him and study Abraham. Here's the two points that spoke to me through Beth Moore's teaching:
1. Our test has OUR name on it! (Yikes!)
2. Our hardest tests involve our dearest loves. (BIGGER Yikes!)
But with that "yikes" comes a "glory to God!" Beause He uses those tests for good. "The hardest tests have the furthest reaching ramifications." was Beth's last point. So true. So hard. Yet so refining. She also said, "When God is up to something hard, He is up to something BIG."
I'm believing God.
And through my weeping eyes/heart I'm having faith.
Thanks for asking about what I learned this moring...I still have an hour before my girlfriend wakes up and I was dying to tell somebody!
Have a great day, Joanne! I am so blessed by you!
Posted by: Sarah Miller | November 20, 2008 at 07:40 AM
Thank you kindly for asking. I'd love to share with you Joanne. The Lord spoke to me this morning about how I have compartmentalized my life into numbered drawers that I open and close at will. He wants all areas - all drawers. His Spirit wants to reign supreme in all areas of my life. He does not consider any area off topic or out of reach. All means all. Complete, total, fully, to the end, everything. I'm a visual learner, so He was so good to allow me to see this picture of my heart.
I was blessed by a verse in Proverbs this morning that the teens and I read about having lips of knowledge. Do I ever want that?! Yes! Lord, bestow on me lips of knowledge.
I pray that the Lord will give to you even in your sleep Joanne. Wonder if He is waking you to share something with you? I know He wakes me sometimes during the night to tell me something I've been to busy to hear during the day. Thank you kindly for your encouragement.
Posted by: Lora | November 20, 2008 at 08:22 AM
Just thought I'd pass this along... My son was having a difficult time sleeping. The pediatrician suggested Melatonin (found with the vitamins). It has worked so well. It's usually recommended for folks with jet lag or medical students, etc. It's non-habit forming & helps ensure a good night's sleep!
Have a great day!!!
Posted by: Kim @ My Journey | November 20, 2008 at 12:19 PM
Today in my quiet time I was reminded of the fact that God will never fail me even in suffering: "...trust your lives to the God who created you, for he will never fail you." (I Peter 4:19).Praying that you will sleep soundly this weekend, Joanne! Have fun!
Posted by: Holly B. | November 21, 2008 at 06:49 AM
Am I leaving a lasting legacy today?!
Posted by: Carolina Mama | November 21, 2008 at 10:44 AM