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« A little more about Advent | Main | Happy birthday, Kristen! »


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Kim @ My Journey

Love these Advent calendars... so creative!


I love all these posts on Advent calendars/wreaths. This is the first year we are doing the candles and I printed out your wonderful bookmarks for our Bibles - thanks! We have an advent elf and every day I'm trying to fill it with activities for us to do as a family.

Erin W

We just started couting down too and we are using a box that I bought at Target. I blogged about it yesterday: ) I got lots of great ideas from you and Jana, thanks!


Blurry or not, that picture of the Advent Tree is dear to me, because my mom made me one very similar to that one when I was little. Do you still have the pattern? I've never found one like it...

Farm Fresh Jessica

I haven't actually made all my numbers yet, (the pic is actually my sister's calendar; I did get hers finished last year) and I don't have all the books wrapped this year either...

yours is great! but what do you mean about the house & the orange hair girl, are they in the pockets?

Farm Fresh Jessica

ps I hope you're feeling better soon! i've been feeling poorly lately too & it's awful.

Pps. I think toben should grow his hair back out! That prom picture from back in the day rocks!

Tammy S.

I actually posted a picture of the advent calendar I made for my daughter on our homeschool blog today. That's the link above.

The design wasn't my idea. I got it from a homeschool site. But it was easy and she really liked it. I need to get more creative for next year!


Joanne--thanks for your comment on my blog; thank you so much for praying for my family!

I have to say--every time I visit your website, I am INSPIRED to be crafty!! Have you ever thought about writing a book on the crafts you do (with step-by-step instructions for those like me!)--or better yet having a weekend workshop showcasing the how-to instructions of various crafts? ;-) I'd make a trip to CO most definitely for that!

Thanks for the inspiration on crafting and decorating. Your tree and living room are lovely. Can't wait to see the other pictures later in the month!

Krista Smith Kliebenstein

I love the Advent Calendars. My heart skipped when I saw that first one from your childhood, I had that one too and it is funny how memories can come back with a picture!
We are doing an Advent Calendar and an Advent Chain. My girls are 4 and 2 and each night they break a chain off and read the bible verse and a little prayer. It helps them count down to Christmas and gives us some good dinner conversation.
I really enjoy your blog, crafts and pictures.

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