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I am (again) so wonderfully in awe of you!



Too, too cute!!
While it may not thrill you, can I just say I thought to myself--"Oh good! I'm not the only one having to redo sewing things multiple time."
*sigh* I think I may have taken on too many projects for a person just learning to sew!
I LOVE the gingham, too. I think I'd live in gingham (with rickrack)if I could. Until then, I'll just be loving my vintage gingham aprons.


Different note--they're planning on moving my Uncle back to the rehab place tomorrow, if they have an empty bed.


Adorable! Polka dots and gingham make me happy!


Oh my Gosh! You did great! I wish I could sew that well.

Dawn W

Sew cute! (Get it??) I crack myself up some nights.

Linings and zippers... things that make me scream. I'm not a very good seamstress so I am in awe of your work!

Tammy S.

That is so cute! I can use a sewing machine to do basic stuff...quilt, pillows, blankets and stuff like that...but I sure wish I could sew clothes! There are so many cute patterns out there.

Great job!


Turned out great! And congrats on the zipper. ;)


You have such a gift. The dress all goes together so well. In response to your comment. I had a blog for a while and deleted it, that is why it is unclear to you. I have since started a blog again. Sorry about that. I am being treated for a second time for lyme disease due to many neurological complications along with a other medical issues from Lyme. Thanks for asking


Darling! You did a great job! Aren't zippers the worst? I refuse to make anything that has a zipper. Velcro is my friend.


Love the dress and how you combined the fabrics.

Cindy Beall

Darling, just darling.


Thanks for sharing your hubby with us yesterday. I sure hope we get to meet you one day.



This is so cutie patootie! I'm sure that she will be a doll in this!!! I WISH I could sew like this! I have got to learn!!

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