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« Gifts we think we don't want | Main | Vintage cards »


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What are zippies? They look adorable - what I can see! :)

Helen at A Work of Heart

I think Caleb's teacher will get a gift after Christmas...schools were closed on Monday...reopened yesterday and now closed again and doubtful they will open I believe we are going to have an extra long break...but I must say my older girls are already getting on each other's nerves which means they are getting on mine as well...Caleb on the other hand can't understand how school can be canceled because it is Wednesday..."I always go to school on Wednesday"...ha!

I hope the gifts go over well...I am sure they will.


I love them! I think handmade gifts mean so much more. I know their teachers will treasure them.

Holly @ Crownlaiddown

Your zippies are the BEST! I love the sweet embroideries of your girl--handmade just for their teachers!! What a great idea.


That's a great idea! I make all my gifts for little girl birthday gifts but haven't found anything for teachers etc yet. I have a friend that makes a lot of neat things and we barter. (I make her little girl clothes and I get stuff for gifts or myself :) ) I got my sons teacher the Kneeling Santa ornament that is Santa kneeling at the manager and says "Every knee shall bow". I love it!!! Hopefully his teacher will too. Also, if you made your daughters Christmas dresses I'd love to see them.


I just started reading your blog and I don't know what zippies are? Handmade is wonderful :)


I just found your zippies! They are sure to be loved by the teachers :)


Ah...zippies are GREAT for so many things!

And I just have to tell you that I love, love, love clear cellophane bags.

I went in with some other moms on a gift for my girls' classroom teachers, but for all their other teachers (Will has 7!) and their office ladies, I bought recipe cards from the dollar bin at Michael's and wrapped them up really cute (cellophane bags, fun ribbon, etc). The male teachers got candy in theirs. It was cheap and cute, and hopefully useful. The recipe cards were red/green, but not necessarily Christmas-y so they can use them year-round. your new banner at the top of your blog. FUN!


Dear Joanne-
The zippies are so cute and your girls did such a nice job!

Just to let you know, I made the clip board again and it turned out fine! My son's teacher loved it! Thanks for the idea!

Merry Christmas and thanks for a great blog! Missi


Blessings Joanne...I've been here visiting all over because I want to join your Memory Meme and I told a friend who also is interested. I was going back in your posts to find out when you started blogging. In doing so, I are an actual author. I'm so honored. I found this out when I went to check out ABC's...those are FABULOUS!!!An I only look at ATTITUDE!!!

Anyways, having been a teacher...I think your beautiful hand made embroidered gifts
are treasures!!! But I have a question, what are "zippies"? You have many very inspiring ideas! Thank you for sharing so well!

I will hopefully be starting the Monday Memory first Monday of the New Year! My problem is that I do a Blog Meme on Mondays but I so want to start this only in Spanish.
I probably will have to do both English & Spanish to refresh my mind & know so I will
have to do single verses. Not as able as you
WOW...the whole chapter or recently Mary's beautiful! I'm so encouraged & fired up!

Sorry so much in one comment but I couldn't leave without sharing how wonderful I found your blog! I appreciate you & your blog!
May you & yours enJOY a very Merry (Mary)
CHRISTmas! Your precious ones did so great!

Marla Taviano

I got something in the mail today...


I will formally thank you soon. Love you!!


WHat a super idea. I love that your girls could collaborate, too.

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