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Congratulations on your anniversary! I hope you have a wonderful day together!


I love these pictures!!! Especially the curly-headed Toben pic.

Enjoy your day and love you!

Teri H

Happy Anniversary!!!

Lori Anne

All beautiful pictures! Congratulations & best wishes for a continued lifetime of happiness.


The happiest of anniversary wishes to you and Toben, Joanne. From gorgeous bride to gorgeous mom and wife.

Did we have the same dress? Looks pretty Princess Di-esque to me. :)


Happy Anniversary Joanne!

Hubby and I are celebrating our 25th on New Year's Eve - amazing how far God has brought us...



I deleted half my comment!!!

I wanted to say the photos look beautiful - you look so happy in all of them.

Best wishes for many many more years together...


Congratulations... 17 years... you are an inspiration for many!

Bobbie Jo

Happy Anniversary!
Love the pictures!!!

Holly @ Crownlaiddown

You are BOTH just beautiful people--inside and out!!

Love you, friend. Counting YOU as one of my blessings this year.


Congratulations Joanne and Toben! 17 years is a wonderful achievement!! Love the pictures. :)

Tammy S.

Congratulations on your anniversary! Hope you both had a wonderful day. Great pictures!


How cute are you? I love the picture of the two of you with you in the black dress and you with braids. I don't know if I would be so brave to post old pics. Happy Anniversary!

Beth Whitney

WOW! I thought I was young when I got married-one month and one day after my 20th!

Congrats-and here's to many more!
God Bless your marriage!!!

Helen at A Work of Heart

Happy Anniversary...thanks for sharing the's fun to look back isn't it...and you both look even more in love than 17 years ago!

Holly B.

Happy, happy anniversary...and many more! We went to a wedding on your anniversary.

Holly B.

Happy, happy anniversary (and many more)! We went to a lovely French wedding on your anniversary.


Congratulations! You all look so happy at each stage. Love the Toben big hair picture!


Best Wishes to you Joanne.
I hope and pray that God continues to shower his blesings on you and your family.
I love your wedding picture. I think I could see the innocence of a 19yr old.

Warm Regards,


I don't know how I missed this! What great pictures! Hope you two had a wonderful anniversary

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