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Holly B.

I love how your Dad is looking at his bride as they exit the church! Sweet pictures--I can see the resemblance between you and your Mom.

Sarah Miller

Beautiful! What a treasure. Do people tell you that you look like your mom?


Happy Anniversary to your Mom and Dad! What great pictures! You are so blessed to have them!

Holly @ Crownlaiddown

Wow, Joanne, you look JUST like your Mama!

I love the pictures and pray that your family will be so blessed this Christmas.

Teri H

Wow! You really look like your Mom! Today's our anniversary too!


This is so sweet. The looks on both their faces are pure love and joy!


You look a lot like your Mom!


Oh Joanne! This has inspired me to get Mom and Dad's pictures scanned. They just had their 40th this year. Your Mom and Dad's pictures remind me so much of theirs!

Erin W

I love that they ate their cake nicely! We are supersticious(sp) in our family that if you eat the cake nicely you will have good bestowed on all the days of your marriage.

PS. 12/20 is a great day! Today is also my son's Birthday!


Happy Anniversary to your parents! What a blessing they are!... and like everyone else.. :-) you look just like your mom.. Great pics friend!


I echo all the comments of you looking like your pretty momma. Those bridesmaid dresses are some of only a few I've EVER seen that I think are pretty and wearable by all types of women. Well done for your mom. :)

Marla Taviano

Has anyone ever asked you if you were adopted? :) Allow me to repeat what you already know. You look just like your mama. :)


Ditto on them being great parents. 40 years, holy cow!!! They don't look old enough to have been married 40 years. I feel like mom should have a white wig, bigger boobs, and a polyester suit on if she's been married 40 years. Crazy.

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