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« Celebrating Advent: Lighting Advent Candles | Main | A little more about Advent »


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Hi, This is my first week to join Memory Monday. What a great idea. Thanks for hosting.

Blessings, Lyndy


Yes, the Mighty One has done great things for me! I have my post up and tucked Isaiah 53:6 in my heart this week.


I was so touched when I read that Toben is bipolar. My younger brother (he's 33) has schizo-affective disorder (bipolar disorder with paranoia). It has been a long, painful journey and we're not there yet. Have you ever considered writing about your experience as a way to encourage others dealing with similar situations?


Beautiful, Joanne. He IS mighty and powerful. May I glorify Him, if only by the tiniest bit, today and always. Not perfect, but amazed, and believing.

Marla Taviano

Praising God for the way He has worked in your family's life!

cathy davis

Ugh I've been HORRIBLE about this. I commend you for what you've learned!! Woot Woot!

cathy davis

Well, tis better for me to do what I can than not do anything...Mine is up!

Thank you for hosting this. I hope I can get my button to work :-)!

Helen at A Work of Heart

Good morning Joanne,

I would think that spending extra time on Mary's song at this time of year is well worth it...I just finished reading in Caleb's Bible about Mary encountering Gabriel...precious.
Is. 43: 18 and 19 were my verses for 2005...right in the midst of learning of our daughter's struggles with continues to be such a life line of scripture...truly only God can create life in the midst of such barren land. Although I am still waiting for more than just a few trickles of moisture on parched land and many days we desperately need a flashlight instead of the pin holes of light...we will ever praise Him...for He is the Mighty One.

Have a blessed day!


I've posted mine for the week. After the first week I missed the last two because we were moving. I'm glad to be back.

Thank you for sharing something so personal with us about your family. Praise God!

I'm going to be ambitious next've been an encouragement to me.
~ Kayren

Carolina Mama

What great scriptures. Yours is written so beautifully. A real blessing. Praise God. And I love your tree post. :) That snow, it is so pretty but I can't say I miss it. :) We usually visit Mt. Man's family in the summer now. :)

Jules from The Roost

I rejoice with you in the mighty thing God has done!

Wife of Rob


Thank you for your commitment! It's been a real accountability check for me! I'm looking forward to this week.

Blessings to you and your family....and happy belated Thanksgiving!


Hey there.

Sending you so many don't EVEN know (yeah...that's the new catch phrase used by my teens. Over. And over. And over.)

I feel so guilty at times for getting down and discouraged and sometimes ticked off at my own "trials" when they are so very minor compared to those around me.

Anyway...I'm running so far behind today. Have been all weekend. Sarah was in a serious car accident Saturday night...everyone is fine. Car is totalled and she is now too scared to drive (me, too!).

I'll catch up tomorrow.

I love you and your sweet family!


He has done Mighty things for me too and I am so grateful! I just posted about Joy and Unbelief today. My scripture was 2 Corinthians 1:3-4. It's one He's been writing on my heart for several years, but I had never taken the time to memorize it. Now I have, for my first Memory Monday!

Kim @ My Journey

What a great post.... I love the scripture you are memorizing! I didn't post yet today, but am still working on it. Thank you for hosting this great Memory Monday!!!


memory Monday is working well in my world. My husband got involved and he and I both memorized the one that was due for this week. It was fun. I asked him to pick this weeks so I have not made a post yet will do that tomorrow. Thanks again

Holly B.

Praising God with you for what He has done! What a good reminder that He still works in mighty ways today! Thanks for sharing, Joanne.


Mine is up...better late than never. I was with ya'll in spirit Monday...just in the car and unable to post! Surprises...anyway...mine is up!


I've been meaning to join Memory Monday but just haven't.
I heard a message several weeks ago on Psalm 115 at the Ga. Baptist convention. It so spoke to me that I have been memorizing the chapter. This week I'm on verses 9-13. To me verse 3-8 speak to the times that we live in.
Thanks for encouraging us to hide God's word in our hearts!

Your tree in BE-autiful!!!

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