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Kate Canady

I just posted my first Memory Monday. Merry Christmas!

Kate Canady

I just posted my first Memory Monday. Merry Christmas!


I've totally tossed in the towel on Memory Monday until The New Year.

I have alot to do come the New Year. I will NEED the discipline of memorizing.

And do look like your Momma. Your dad just wishes you looked like him, I bet!

Merry Christmas girl. I LOVE my little zippy. You continue to amaze me.

Melissa @ Breath of Life

Mine is up!

Merry Christmas, dear friend!


Merry Christmas Joanne! My post is up!

Tammy S.

I've got my verse up. I also posted a couple days ago the list you had on your blog, Have I ever? It was fun and I ended up answering more than I thought I would! Hope you have a Merry Christmas!


I hope you have a joyful and relaxing Christmas!


Sorry...I had mine done yesterday but didn't see your post change until today. My ya go!! Happy belated Monday!

Wife of Rob

I hope that everyone is having a great Christmas Eve! Sorry I'm a day late....but I was "providentially hindered" yesterday ;o)

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