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« Memory Monday: Part of Mary's Song | Main | Advent calendars »


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Thanks Joanne,

Perfect in word...the Word...and in the sights of wonderful to have snow outside and a cozy fire and beautiful tree to sit under.


Okay...I must comment. I follow your blog. And, the first thing I saw was the fountain soda. Or, "pop" as my fellow fam would say. Tell Toben, that I too am a sucker for the fountain Diet Coke.


The last picture is just too cute!


Okay, I am so panicking here. I'm going to fly you out here and help me get my house together for Christmas! It is now Dec 2. I am usually done with all of my shopping, except stocking stuffers, by Dec 1. I DON'T EVEN HAVE A LIST YET! And, did I mention it is Dec 2? The tree is decorated. The house is pretty well decorated but peace and calm are definitely not reigning here! (Deep breaths, deep will all be fine, Susan, it will all work out.) Okay, I've got it off my chest. I'm going to sit down and make myself a list of what needs to be done today and tomorrow, including writing up a Christmas shopping list.


P.S. Love the tree, your living room and the little pumpkin puss pictures. :)

Kim @ My Journey

Beautiful pictures!!! I love celebrating Advent with special times around the candles with our devotionals. Love this time of year!!!


Beautiful post, Joanne. Lurve the kitty picture. Oh, how I am that cat. :)

I've been doing a lot of devotionals about Advent, but did a bonehead thing and forgot that sometimes it starts in December! Oops. Guess we'll be lighting 2 candles this Sunday. Blessings.


j'aime beaucoup ton beau sapin, les photos des filles près du sapin, le chat... mais ce que j'apprécie aussi beaucoup c'est le contenu du post sur l'espoir et sur les bras de Dieu.

Lisa @ The PW

Girl, your house looks like a magazine..

So incredibly beautiful! :))

Lisa @ The PW

And I just caught the y'all!!! :)))

Oh I love you so...:))


Your house looks so cozy, the photos look like they came from a magazine! We're finally just getting our tree tonight--I feel so behind. But it's hard to get in the spirit when we're still wearing shorts here. :) Thanks for the advent info, its not something we did as kids growing up but I'd love to do it with my girls.

Jhames Stewart

You're right about hope, Joanne. Certainly, everyone's experiencing trials in life and it's always important to turn our life to God. I saw the candle holder from your previous post, it's lovely. We used glass containers last holiday, though. My wife loves to knit so she decorated 'em with recycled threads.

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