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« And while we're in the Christmas spirit... | Main | Gifts we think we don't want »


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We are driving to DC after Christmas and stopping at an IKEA. I'll have to pick some of those up. When we lived in San Diego it was like going to the grocery store...we went ALL the time. I miss it.

linda thompson

I am on my way!!!
I live less than a mile from the Tempe IKEA!
I know... dangerous!
Thanks for the info Joanne... I didn't know such goodness awaits me!

Holly @ Crownlaiddown

You must teach me about these things called lingonberry sauce, Petit Ecolier cookies, Kakor Chokladflarn and IKEA. I do not have a clue. But I DO know how to get to said IKEA, when it comes. You will have to show this errant child the way.


So it's not just me. :) It's nice to know that someone else is so insanely excited about IKEA moving in down the street!


Ohhh, I love IKEA! I would have to guess that 3/4 of our furniture is from there. And don't get started on the food. We LIVE for their Gooseberry Jam on waffles on a weekend morning! There's no starting the holidays without some Glögg too!


Haha you're so adorable!


Haha you're so adorable!


Oops! Double post! Sorry!

Bev Brandon

Just moved to a place where there's an IKEA in the neighborhood but I've not been. So here I gooooo. Been thinking about you JoAnne and your beautiful heart. It was such a joy to meet you this summer and be in your presence. You bring such beauty to many. You bring such joy to HIM by how you live. Thinking about you! Bev

Helen at A Work of Heart

Okay...they built an IKEA here in Portland two summers ago...and it is about 5 minutes away...just a word to the wise...wait a few weeks...Carl and I could not believe the crush of people...the shuttles from the overflowing OVERFLOW was quite the it is much more manageable...but then I am not a big crowd gal...

I have tried really hard to walk on past all the goodies...but I may have to break down and try those cookies...oh my.

Hooray for you having an is a treat...


I'm really excited for IKEA coming to Denver, too! Until then, I'm getting my fix next week in Vancouver.

Dawn W

They just built our IKEA last year... right at my exit from the freeway!

I haven't tried these cookies yet. Are they a seasonal item or there all year?

Love, love, love the meatballs!


I think it sounds like a cookie run is in order for Shawn today. He needs to pay for his keep while he's home for Christmas Break. So far, all he has done is eat, PS2, and hang with his buds...


An IKEA in Denver?? You lucky duck!

Marla Taviano

I don't even know how to begin to shout CHOKLADFLARN!


I just experienced Ikea for the first time 2 months ago...WOW! What a riot! I am full of jealousness that you would have one so close to your house!:)

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