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Holly B.

Oops! I guess you solved your predicament of not being able to stay up until 9 PM. Hope you both get to bed early tonight.


Wow that's not a common thing in the Heim household, I'm sure! This is a pretty funny entry!

Melissa @ Breath of Life

Just put everyone to bed extra early tonight so you can catch up! You must be reading something good...what is it?

Holly @ Crownlaiddown

I never wear a watch anymore and hardly ever know what time it is...I guess that explains a lot about me. Oblivious... (Cough) Ahem.


I stopped wearing a watch for a year to see if it would "mellow me out" a little. It didn't work...I kept looking at my now I'm wearing a watch again. Ha...I figure, if you're going to look at your wrist there might as well be a watch there. I also would like to know what you are reading that is soooo interesting!

Marla Taviano

Why did the kitchen clock say 8:45?

You know I'm smiling at you and your early-to-bed ways. :)

Alana@A Kiss, A Hug, and A Squeeze

You lost me at...

"And it was almost 10 o'clock--a time I usually only see in the A.M."

But you got me again with the coffee at the end ;-)

Hope it didn't throw everyone off too much!

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