After saying yesterday that I don't believe in coincidences, God proved the point. The readings for my quiet time today spoke so clearly--again!--that I just had to share. Because I'm so astounded at how much God loves me and how much he has to say to me about exactly where I am that I can't keep it all inside.
This was part of the reading for today:
"I will...gather those who have been scattered. I will give them praise and honor in every land where they were put to shame. At that time I will gather you; at that time I will bring you home. I will give you honor and praise among all the peoples of the earth when I restore your fortunes before your very eyes," says the LORD. (Zephaniah 3:19-20, emphasis mine)
Did you see that the whole scattered thing is there--again?! That and the fact that God speaks?
And the other passages in the reading (Isaiah 2:2-6, Philippians 4:4-9, Luke 3:7-18) followed that up with the whole idea of singing and rejoicing. That in the midst of anxiety we can present our requests to God, accept his peace, and rejoice in the midst of it. Because he is among us, because he is Immanuel, God with us.
I've not been very joyful this week. I've been moping and sad and feeling like somehow Toben and I are going to have to work ourselves out of the pit we're in because we got ourselves into it.
But something else I read this morning confirmed to me that God will be the one to do the work. (Back to all those "I wills" from Ezekiel the other day.) That though we've been saved for eternity we still need his salvation from this thing. And that like our eternal salvation, we cannot achieve it by our own works. That salvation--any kind of salvation--comes from God alone.
Jesus saves. They sang that at the Christmas program at church yesterday. And I was struck by its truth. Jesus saves. Once and for all. And every single moment of every single day. Jesus saves.
I am so thankful for His salvation. Hust this morning I was reading a quote from Brother Lawrence saying that he believes that God loves us even more when we have come to our place of furthest weakness.
We, too, are gearing up for a week of some very hard and monumental financial decisions. I covet your prayers for us, friend.
Praying for you, too.
Posted by: Holly @ Crownlaiddown | December 14, 2008 at 02:15 PM
You & Holly are not alone! Doing the same over here on the East Coast. Will be praying for you all, and ask the same.
Love you!
Posted by: Melissa @ Breath of Life | December 14, 2008 at 07:28 PM
I agree with you there are no coincidences. We have to be open to hear Him speak, don't we? That's the part I often forget, lol.
We're struggling with stuff here, too. Seems to be the new normal for awhile.
As always, praying for you. Love you.
Posted by: Susan | December 15, 2008 at 05:56 AM
A post for you:
Be uplifted my sister,
Posted by: Jen | December 15, 2008 at 07:01 PM