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Holly @ Crownlaiddown

I am so thankful for His salvation. Hust this morning I was reading a quote from Brother Lawrence saying that he believes that God loves us even more when we have come to our place of furthest weakness.

We, too, are gearing up for a week of some very hard and monumental financial decisions. I covet your prayers for us, friend.

Praying for you, too.

Melissa @ Breath of Life

You & Holly are not alone! Doing the same over here on the East Coast. Will be praying for you all, and ask the same.

Love you!


I agree with you there are no coincidences. We have to be open to hear Him speak, don't we? That's the part I often forget, lol.

We're struggling with stuff here, too. Seems to be the new normal for awhile.

As always, praying for you. Love you.


A post for you:

Be uplifted my sister,

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