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Ooh looks nice! I shall try that out one day :) That's going into my little folder of recipes!


Thanks for sharing this, Joanne. They sound delish.


I know what you are talking about when you say the cookies don't come out like your mother's. My mom made the most wonderful gingersnaps. I have the recipe, but when I make them they never come out like hers. I've tried using different shortenings, butter, etc. Just can't figure it out.


Oh my gosh!! We live near that church! How funny!! : )


Hi there! I have had the pleasure of coming across Memory Monday and is excatly what I need. I am young in spiritual journey so wish me luck!!!!


These remind me of my Kitchen Sink cookies. Yum. Mee.

Rachel Finneman

These were delicious, my whole fam LOVED them...thanks for sharing your recipe! We also adored your morning glory muffins...the fam is BEGGING me to make them again! :)


Haha! I think my mom's feelings are still hurt when as kids we would always say to her "Mom why can't you make it like Grandma! Hers are better!" Ouch!!

And now I can never bake the same as my mom either. In fact I don't bake many of her recipes at all, they are never as good and therefore always disappointing.

Jennifer Medeiros


I was in need of a good cookie recipe and this was perfect. My son and I made these yesterday when he got home from Kindergarten. They were fresh out of the oven when his sister arrived two hours later from school....and she was VERY happy. I didn't have choc. chips so I added white choc. chips....they were delicious. These will be a staple in our house:) Thanks....they are yummy.

Kelli Linkis

what kind of cookies are they in the end? are they close to choc. chip or something else i may know?
will be making them this weekend!
thanks SO much for your blog. i love, love to see your crafts and recipes along with your Christian wisdom and blog fellowship!
Kelli Linkis <><<


Hi Joanne - I made these cookies last night, with dried cherries, dark chocolate chips, and roasted pecans, and they are awesome! My husband LOVED them!

Question though - the recipe doesn't call for salt, which is unusual as most cookie recipes do have some salt... Is there supposed to be some salt added?


I know where that is! My kids go to school in PV- and I waved at the ocean for you today! I have to wave fast- we are moving to Oklahoma in March. But for now, I will breath deep that wonderful smell of beach. : )
oh- my email, [email protected]

: )

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