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These are popular in the South! The cake version is equally delicious!


Looks Yum-mers.


I have a different recipe for MGM, so I'll have to use this one, too. Mine has apples, carrots, and something else...zucchini maybe? IDK.

Hope class is going well.


yum... muffins are a a great idea for lunches.

Kim Feth

Can you post the pumpkin muffin recipe? We've been packing lunch ever since we found out our son can't have High Fructose Corn Syrup; and we are always looking for new recipes for home made goodies. He loved pumpkin bread when we had it at someone's house over the holidays.
Kim Feth
Apex, NC


Wow, Joanne -- thanks for posting this recipe!!! These look deliciious! I can't wait to make them Monday morning. Yummy!!

Jennifer Medeiros

Hi Joanne,

I have been following your Blog for a while and LOVE it. I like the muffin recipe. My daughter could eat muffins everyday so I am always looking for new recipes. I finally have a Blog and would love for to visit. I appreciate all that you share.

Jennifer Medeiros is the link to my Blog...

Take care


Oh, I'd love the pumpkin muffin recipe too - sounds yummy!

I've been praying for you all week for your classes and tests. I'm glad things are going well. You're braver than me - 16 years after earning my BA, I'm still not ready to go back! :)


Yum. I just put coconut and raisins on the grocery list and will make these for the week's breakfasts.
Thanks for taking the time to share the recipe!


So I have to confess, I've been avidly reading your blog for quite a while now, but I don't think I have ever left a comment! I made this recipe today for my roommates and I to snack on throughout the week, and everyone loved them!! Thanks so much for sharing! May God bless you in your endeavors with school! I'm going through college for the first time right now, and it's definitely not easy, but I'm sure it will be worth it in the end!

Kimberly S.

Great muffins for early morning swim team. Don't know if you get email comments on old post but just in case...I am praying for you as your family settles into new routine. Blessing, Kimberly

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