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Tammy S.

Flip flops in January and amazing mountains to see everyday...I wanna move:)


just wanted you to know that i will be copying this post. i loved it!! so glad that you're enjoying school.


LOL Joanne, what a great post. Such ordinary, everyday things ~ a wonderful glimpse into your "real" life!

I'm itching to see those mountains again in person. I'm hoping to talk Roger into going to Colorado soon. Or, at least in October for his AF Academy 20 year reunion (gosh, that really makes me feel old!!). October sounds like a million miles away in January, but hopefully those months in between will go by quickly.

Praying for you while you're studying and continuing the work of being Mom. Praying for Toben and the girls, too! ;)



Mountains!! We don't have mountains here in Singapore. Oh well. But I get to see the sea and container port (and the huge ships!) everyday on my way to school and back home. So, yay!

Holly B.

What fun glimpses of your day! Thanks for sharing.


I just got back from six weeks in Denver visiting my parents ! Your mountain picture made me home sick ! Even though this (Australia) has been home for 11 years ...

Kim Feth

You know God is on your side with a schedule like that AND you can keep going. Still praying it for you and your family.
Kim Feth
Apex, NC


Blessings to you. Thanks for sharing that day! Very fun and it is good to 'see' your day. Of course, I appreciate those Rockies. The flipflops sound great.

Did you hear we got 4 inches of snow!! Winter wonderland and tons of sledding. :)


p.s. Are all of the classes two weeks? How does it work? How many credits until you're finished? Would love to hear more. :)

Janna Widdifield

Been praying that you finish this term up strong. Go, Seminary Girl, GO! Love you.


I'm still 'Ringing the Bells' too and then right to 'Jesus Saves' - Freedom's calling .. chains are falling!" Love it!

When we're doing something we love, our energy knows NO bounds!

Marla Taviano

Love this post!!

Travis's CD is still the only one in our mini-van too, but Nina insists on #5 Frosty and #6 "the Dayscream song."

Have a great day!!


Loving all the pics...even if everyday things! You should do that more often. I love pics of everyday things and happenings. But that's just me.....

Your package was mailed on Tuesday, so you guys should get it soon! Definitely in time for E's bday.


I am so jealous that the pic of the mountains almost made me cry. I grew up in Colorado and I really miss my mountains! TFS, you had a busy day!

Lisa R-P

Flip Flops in January -- I am so jealous. It is below zero degrees here again today. I won't be wearing flip flops until we go to Mexico in March and I am counting down the days.

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