Thank you for all the kind words and congratulations! You guys make me grin like crazy. In fact, I'm sitting here in my pjs in the dark with the biggest smile plastered across my face after going through my email just now.
So many of you headed right to Amazon to buy one. Thank you! When you buy from The Simple Wife bookshop (that button over there -->) I do earn a portion of the proceeds back. Not much, but every little bit helps run a household, doesn't it?
I so want to take the time to write a thank you to each one of you--several of whom I've not really "met" yet. But Toben's out of town and I'm back on carpool duty and since I'm going straight to my school after dropping the girls at their school, well, I need to shower and get dressed. Not sure I want to go to my first OT Prophets class in my turquoise jammies with giant strawberries all over them, though they are cute jammies!
By they way, our grades on the final posted for my January class. I got 100 percent! Again! Please know that I'm not bragging, but just so thrilled that my first class went so well. I was the only Old Testament major in the class, so it just feels like confirmation to know that I mastered the subject matter for the first class in my major. I love learning and being a student and get up every day thanking God for this opportunity, asking him to help me learn and retain and apply what I'm learning.
In a nutshell, I'm a nerd. I got ridiculously excited about taking my Trapper Keeper to class with me on Monday, and am thrilled at the thought of going to the office supply store to buy more notebook paper! What can I say? Pens and post-its and paper clips and clipboards make me glad. :)
I want to tell you about my other class this semester--Effective Biblical Interpretation, which is also called hermeneutics. Herman who? I think that lame joke is why they probably changed the name of the class.
Anyway, I have a homework assignment due for it on Monday and know that I want to tell you more about it when I have some extra time. The professor said something like, "This class will be the foundation for all your classes at seminary and will have the greatest impact on your life as a Christian."
I sort of wanted to write it down and felt a little bit like Anne Shirley listening to Miss Stacey on her first day at the Avonlea school. (If that totally doesn't make sense to you, you really need to put all of the Anne of Green Gables books at the tippy top of your reading list! I'll go put them in the bookshop.)
Okay, well, that got way longer than I'd anticipated. Thanks for sticking with it this far! Praying for you, that God's power and joy will be manifest in your life today. That as you go about whatever's on your list this Wednesday that there will be something in you that draws others in and makes them want what you have. He has crowned you with everlasting joy; the book of Isaiah says so. (Not just a tiara, but a CROWN!) Wear it today and let it shine and sparkle!
How did I miss yesterday's post?!?
CONGRATULATIONS on your new book!! It looks (and sounds) like something I absolutely NEED (and want!) to read!
So proud of you!! Can't wait to review it on my blog!
Love and a million hugs!
Posted by: Marla Taviano | January 28, 2009 at 06:48 AM
This is so very exciting! I love paper and pencils too! I pick out all kinds of goodies when homeschool shopping for the kids.
Blessings on your new book!
Posted by: Peggy | January 28, 2009 at 07:10 AM
I am becoming a fan just by reading your blog so I'm definitely going to order your books! Congratulations on the perfect test score...I too am a lifelong student. When you have a passion for something, learning is easy and fun--what a blessing that your passion is God's Word! Keep on going girl, and keep on sharing.
Posted by: Lina | January 28, 2009 at 08:13 AM
I lurve learning, too. BTW, one of my BFF's dad used to teach at DS. Small world. It's the one right off of Hampden, right?
Posted by: gretchen | January 28, 2009 at 09:39 AM
Congratulations Joanne! I missed the post too?!? I'm so excited for you and would love to do a book review, blog review, interview you, just whatever I can to help you promote this new book! Yeah!
Posted by: Lora @ By the Lamp Light | January 28, 2009 at 10:20 AM
Your book looks very exciting - Iam going to check it out now! Congratulations!! And plaese keep on being "nerdy" - it works for you! Your excitement and joy ooze off of the computer screen and have brightened my day. You have helped me to be slightly more interested in tackling my very long cleaning list for the day. LOL
Posted by: Carrie | January 28, 2009 at 10:37 AM
Congrats on your grades!
I love, love, love new office/school supplies too! :-)
Thank you for sharing your adventures in seminary. I work for a local Christian university and have often thought about taking a few classes in the Religion Dept. but don't have the nerve.
Posted by: Lisa | January 28, 2009 at 10:37 AM
Hi Joanne,
I missed your post yesterday....but have now discovered your new book is available. I have been waiting and am so excited to read it! I just placed my order from your bookshop:) I am so happy for you.
Looking forward!
PS...Congrats on your class, wonderful that you are doing exactly what God has planned for you. On another note...I am hoping that you are now able to leave a comment on my Blog....I hope I corrected the problem!
Posted by: Jennifer Medeiros | January 28, 2009 at 01:27 PM
CONGRATS on your new book!!!! and thank you for recommending it to me in the email :)
I just ordered the book!!!!!
My friend taught me some Hermen. techniques about a month ago. I really like english so it actually helps me ALOT, and I'm guessing since you're an author you'll soar right through it!!!
Good Luck with School, and try to stay warm!!! :D
Posted by: Shayla | January 28, 2009 at 02:12 PM
Right now, I am doing a Bible study with my girlfriends on your "Living Simply" book, and LOVE it! I can't wait to read your new one! Bless you my friend.
Posted by: Debra | January 28, 2009 at 03:07 PM
I just finished your 'Living Simply' book and it struck such a chord with me I wanted to stop by and say thanks for your words of wisdom and practical applications. I hope to pop back here often :)
Posted by: janine | January 28, 2009 at 04:30 PM
I'll be happy to write a review of your book on my blog. Let me know.
Terri Kelly
[email protected]
Posted by: Terri Kelly | January 28, 2009 at 06:01 PM
Way to go on your classes! Hermeneutics was one of my favorite classes when I was in Bible college. I learned so much and so much of what I learned, has stuck with me. And I apply a great deal of what I learned to my day-to-day Bible study.
Have a great day at school tomorrow:)
Posted by: Tammy S. | January 28, 2009 at 07:35 PM