Wow, ya'll (that's for my friend Lisa!) have been commenting like crazy. And I want to sit down and write each and every one of you back. But it's so not gonna happen.
All the schedule comments were great--seems like I'm not the only one who bristles at being called busy. It's definitely along the lines of, "Wow, you look really tired!" Maybe it's not the busy part that gets to me as much as feeling like someone's telling me I'm too busy.
I have to say that part of the reason I post my schedule from time to time is that it helps keep me accountable. Confession: A while ago I posted that I set out my clothes and the girls' clothes every week. And I try to. But it just hasn't happened the past couple of weeks. I absolutely, positively need to get back on track with that. Especially for the girls.
Another confession: I never cleaned downstairs this week. It's on the list for today. (Motivated largely by the fact that we have company coming after church tomorrow. And one of those people coming is my mother. She was here with Emma the other night and I came home to a huge sink full of dirty dishes and cat food crumbs on the counter. I stopped and cleaned it all up before I even went upstairs to find her to say I was home!)
I loved reading all about what you watch, how much you watch, why you watch TV. I especially loved Lora's comment about having to say sorry so much more now than when her family had a TV--all because they communicate so much more!
The one time I absolutely must watch TV or a movie? Ironing! I let the basket get nice and full and then haul it all up to the family room and iron while I watch. Some of you do too.
Seems like it's background noise for a lot of us. Toben keeps his TV on a lot during the day while he's working, though lately he's been listening to music more than the television. I do like having music on--especially good music that feeds my soul. But I can't read or work or write if there's music on. I need the quiet.
We all seem to have a love/hate relationship with our TVs.
I do love your comments--and read each and every one of them with a big, fat smile on my face. I love hearing from you and so appreciate all you have to share. You bless me. Keep 'em coming!
I thought it was interesting that a lot of women who try not to watch TV pay for cable/satellite!
I enjoyed your blog on TV and all the comments. I have a TV addiction and we only get 6 local channels! It is a huge time-waster for me and I want to get in the habit of NOT having it on so that my children (we only have a 3-month old so far) aren't used to it and become addicted like me.
I also have a Target addiction like you. I didn't shop there for a month once (that was over a year ago) and I saved a lot of money! I've heard that lots of Targets have Starbucks in them. Ours don't and I think that might be a good thing. Otherwise, I might go there everyday! ;)
I truly enjoy your Frugal Friday tips! You inspire me! And I went to your bookshop at and requested several of the books from the library. I read your blog almost everyday! Thanks Joanne!
Posted by: Bethany | February 28, 2009 at 10:59 AM
Love reading about you Joanne!
So much!
Posted by: Rachel Reeves | February 28, 2009 at 04:55 PM
Thanks for the update. TV is not a big deal for me. I do watch news shows in the a.m. while waking up/getting ready but that's about it. As a family we watch two programs. I'm too busy. I spend the time I can here on the blog and I figure I can't do both so I choose the internet. It's certainly not holier. It's just a choice of where to spend the time!
Posted by: Robynn's Ravings | February 28, 2009 at 06:15 PM
Joanne Joanne Joanne! I'm 20!! (It's 1st March here in Singapore now.) =D
Posted by: Puva | March 01, 2009 at 05:21 AM
You redecorated your blog! I like it :0)!
Posted by: cathy davis | March 01, 2009 at 06:23 PM
we don't have a tv set! i just miss some noise when i'm home alone, but with two small children, that's a rare event.
Posted by: eva | March 02, 2009 at 04:49 AM