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I thought it was interesting that a lot of women who try not to watch TV pay for cable/satellite!

I enjoyed your blog on TV and all the comments. I have a TV addiction and we only get 6 local channels! It is a huge time-waster for me and I want to get in the habit of NOT having it on so that my children (we only have a 3-month old so far) aren't used to it and become addicted like me.

I also have a Target addiction like you. I didn't shop there for a month once (that was over a year ago) and I saved a lot of money! I've heard that lots of Targets have Starbucks in them. Ours don't and I think that might be a good thing. Otherwise, I might go there everyday! ;)

I truly enjoy your Frugal Friday tips! You inspire me! And I went to your bookshop at and requested several of the books from the library. I read your blog almost everyday! Thanks Joanne!

Rachel Reeves

Love reading about you Joanne!
So much!

Robynn's Ravings

Thanks for the update. TV is not a big deal for me. I do watch news shows in the a.m. while waking up/getting ready but that's about it. As a family we watch two programs. I'm too busy. I spend the time I can here on the blog and I figure I can't do both so I choose the internet. It's certainly not holier. It's just a choice of where to spend the time!


Joanne Joanne Joanne! I'm 20!! (It's 1st March here in Singapore now.) =D

cathy davis

You redecorated your blog! I like it :0)!


we don't have a tv set! i just miss some noise when i'm home alone, but with two small children, that's a rare event.

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