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Tell us if you make the laundry detergent:)

Rachel Reeves

I checked out that site and it was awesome! Thanks for the tips....


We're reading the Molly books too and we liked the idea of a Victory garden. We tried our hand with a garden last spring and didn't have much luck, possibly because we didn't put in enough effort. Back then they had to make it work. I would love to convey that to my kids.

I was thinking that this was a great post considering our "lean" times. But then lately I've been thinking that I wished we were more aware of these things as a rule not just during harder times. Maybe a good thing that will come out of our recessed economy is a greater sense of frugality.

Tammy S.

I've talked to several ladies who make their own detergent. I haven't. I guess I thought it sounded like too much work. But I checked out your link and copied down the recipe, so we'll see, I just may have to give it a whirl:)

We haven't read any of the American Girl books yet. They sound really good. They also sound similar to ones we are reading from a series called Sisters in Time. They are historical fiction books that take the life of a young girl in a certain time of history and tell a story about her life and her faith. My almost 6 year old really likes them. And I think she'd like the American Girl ones too.

Thanks for links!


Yeah, I read her entry on the shampoo. Interesting idea!

The tutorials are up! (:


In our paper we get a neat insert called Shopping Sense. It always has advice on how to save money.

I also have the books on all the stuff you can do with vinager. I also have the one for baking soda. It is quite amazing.


I've been thinking of doing this...partly out of necessity and partlyout of curiousity to see if it really does work just as well. I'm thinking there's something to be said about going back to basics...

I'm just a little afraid of vinegar though! I tried using it in my homemade dryer sheets and that's all I could smell!


I grew up in central Florida where the water was really hard and left deposits on everything. My mother had us use vinegar for rinse water often and it does leave hair shiny


So very true. We recycle as much as possible and it makes you all the more aware. Best.


You aren't kidding! We spent a week in Costa Rica last week and the lifestyle difference is amazing. We are so blessed and yet so ungrateful and wasteful.


I've been looking for a homemade shampoo alternative, I'll have to give that a try.

On my blog, I have a similar laundry recipe that is a powder. I've never used liquid and well, don't we all get stuck in our habits. The dry is easier for me though, as I just mix it all up and make sure to throw it in at the beginning of the load.


Here's the link for my powdered detergent:

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