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Not alone. We got it yesterday. Abbey and I had Brownies after school, but we whizzed through dinner and homework and finished in time to watch it last night. Abbey has watched it three times today because she's sick and unlimited tv is one of our sick privileges.

The kids have all the soundtracks on their ipods and they're GREAT to keep me motivated on the treadmill. I am NOT ashamed.

(And I hate Chuck E. Cheese too. Abbey has never been there).


I love the book Duck on a Bike. I laugh out loud every time we read it. I love reading American Girl books and re-reading the Little House series. I also dislike Chuck E Cheese and impersonal "out of the house" birthday parties.


You crack me up...guess where Tory's having her small bday on Friday after school?!?!? Yup...the mothership of animatronics, bad pizza and flashing, crazy, noisy games. That needs prayer girl! ;)
Also...I still enjoy building huge train tracks, staying in my jammies as long as possible, and watching Krypto, Curious George and the Justice League. (Tory is not really a Barbie lovin' kind of girl...she's waaaaay more Laura Croft then her mommy...and I'm so proud!). Have a great day!

Melissa @ Breath of Life

My girl saw HSM3 in the theater, but I didn't. She said it was her favorite, I imagine I'll be buying it soon!

I like most of the 'tween Disney Channel shows, but I really DON'T like Drake & Josh. Ditto on Chuck E. Cheese.


My girls are a bit younger than yours, but I love the Backyardigans and Curious George! No thank you to bday parties at Chuck E. Cheese, too. (Or Chuck E. Jesus as my 2yo calls it!) Even though my girls aren't old enough for HSM3, I'm eagerly waiting my turn to get it on Netflix! :)


I love to watch PBS kids with my girls...even my 16yo likes Arthur! I like to play American Girls with my two younger ones (10 & 6) and it's always fun eating cotton candy and licking the batter bowl.

And another negatory on Chucks. As a nurse, I see it and similar type food+kids+playplace restaurants as microbial cesspools. There is no amount of Purell that can degermify the tables, ball pits, video games, etc. I send my husband with the kids to those birthday parties;)

Jennifer Medeiros

We haven't bought HSM3, yet. will be our Friday night movie. (my poor son) Anyway...I love playing Fisher Price Little People, reading Holiday children's books, and watching the Brady bunch:)

PS...Chuck E. thanks


My husband and I watch Drake and Josh and iCarly...on purpose...and we crack up! It reminds me of when I was younger and we'd watch Happy Days and Laverne and Shirley...good, fun programming. It's so hard to find family shows these days.

Helen at A Work of Heart

I think the love for Charlie and Lola and Little Bear never goes is quite sweet to see both girls aged 19 and 15 mind you watching them with Caleb...

You know, I had fond memories of Zoom and The Electric Company...I see they have a new one now but it's just not the same...heavy sigh.

And that big mouse caused no end to trauma for this mom...we never went there was always an invited reason...although Caleb went for the first time a couple weeks ago for a party and he and Carl had fun...I just kept looking at my is agony...sheer agony.


Totally agree ! Chucke E Cheese does not do it for me! Especially on a Saturday morning! But I do enjoy listening to Radio Disney, and riding my sons Green Machine!


My kids are a bit young for it...but I'm getting together to watch it with a girlfriend and her daughters! I love Max and Ruby (based on Rosemary Wells books) and also am grossed out by Chuckie's. I'm taking my daughter to a b-day party at Bouncertown...anyone heard about that place? I'm already nervous about the similarities!

Wife of Rob


Don't laugh too loud, but "umpteen" years ago, my baby brother WAS "Chuck E Cheese" (and "Mr. Munch"). You'll be happy to know that Chuck and Mr. both went on to become a very gifted Pastor (and both almost have their PhD)!!

Hee hee,

Wife of Rob


Don't laugh too loud, but "umpteen" years ago, my baby brother WAS "Chuck E Cheese" (and "Mr. Munch" too). You'll be happy to know that both Chuck (and Mr.) both went on to become a very gifted Pastor 9and almost a Phd)!

Hee hee,

Wife of Rob

sorry for the dup....the comment buttons went all "wacky"


My 10-year old and I just finished HSM3. It was good, but I liked the second one better. So sad that it's all over.

I love Charlie and Lola and Max and Ruby. Backyardigans are totally wonderful and fun to watch. I used to watch Hannah Montana late at night by myself. And some of my daughter's books are better than mine. You make me miss being a kid!


I love watching John Wayne movies with my boys with popcorn popped on the stove. We got these great plastic red and white popcorn bags/bowls at Target dollar section...makes popcorn even more fun. As for Chuck E Cheese we braved the doors once and all got food poisoning! Never again.


I love Strawberry Shortcake, own 5 of her DVDs, and I only have one daughter who's only 12 weeks old!

I was just talking to my husband today about loving "childish" things. Someone told me she was very disturbed to hear that I liked SSC, but why can't I? She brings out the inner little girl in me and I love it!


My mom enjoyed watching Sesame Street with my brother and me when we were little (: Interestingly, my brother and I loved watching soccer with my dad. Now, that's not a kiddy thing. But there you have it. We used to do that. And we still do that today! My brother and I watch soccer with my dad whenever we can and we have a blast! (:


I bring Advil when we have to go to Chuck E Cheese. Thankfully we don't go often.

I love the Lion Witch and the Wardrobe Movies. My kids like it too, but I think I might love it more. :)


I think I am living vicariously through my 5 yr old daughter because although I've always loved Strawberry Shortcake she wasn't as cool and fun and she is now. We counted her collection of SSC movies and we have 18. They are so fun to watch and only $10 at Target so they are reasonable to buy. And some have good messages like Manners Matter so I show them to my Daisy troop too. Fun!

Ashley P

I don't even have a child who is old enough to like HSM, but I'm hooked - I pretty much love most musicals (I even DVRed the Spectular! musical on Nick the other night)... my sister (who is a sophomore in college) and her friends all dressed up as the characters in HSM for the premiere and drove over an hour to see it... it's a little bit of an obsession for them (I just enjoy watching it).

I do love some of the shows my daughter (2yo) watches though - Dora is always exciting (the first time - not so much the 20th time)... I tend to do a little bit of talking to the TV during it! :) And I also enjoy watching Disney movies (Cinderella, Little Mermaid, etc) and can't wait til she is old enough to sit still and watch them!


Have to say, I love 'Martha Speaks', PBSkids. My kids even tell me when it's coming on. But when it comes to movies, I've been banned from watching 'Charlie Brown Christmas', it is a feel good movie I can watch any day of the year.
Have to say, Chuck e-cheese is not even on the radar. Once in a 'blue moon' my son mentions it, but he knows there will be no reaction. Not even a 'no way'.
We do agree on Survivor man(back to the TV)
and we all love to go to our new City Park! It's all refurbished and under the trees! I love it there, and so do the kids. It's a win-win! Super pleasant, especially if I get to do a drive thru coffee!


Nancy Drew and Hello Kitty....and soft silky blankets. (I promise I do not have a blankie, but a fabric shop is a tactile adventure for all of us!)


My daughter SSOOOO wants me to go to Target this evening to get that movie also! But, she will have to wait until at least tomorrow! I must admit I do not get into those movies at all, but me and her do love to watch American Idol together. Also, I love Little Bear and Arthur!

Dawn W

I like Little Bear, too, but I love the original Winnie The Pooh the best of all. And Little House on the Prairie. I hate Barney, Teletubbies and programs that are marketed to kids but make me blush.



I also love Charlie and Lola, and I'm a closet Hannah Montana watcher. I really want to see her new movie coming out. I wish Ava was a little older so I could take her. I'll put it on the Netflix list.


I too love HSM... LOVED 1, 2 not so much, and am excited for 3. We have family dance parties with "Bop to the Top" and "All in this together."

Sarah Miller

I love the American Girl dolls...I really wish I had one of my own! (I would get Molly but only because Lucy has Kit...Kit is my fav!!!) I love Junie B. Jones books. Crack me up! I love Disney's Cinderella. I love to color. I love Webkinz too. It's pretty sad. I love a lot of their things. :)

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