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« Oops...happy anniversary a day late! And happy birthday to me. | Main | So... »


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Lora @ By the Lamp Light

Oh to be a wise woman and a godly mother. I echo your prayer Joanne.

My post is up!

Mary @ Simple Things

I'm finally joining in on Memory Monday! I knew that to try it during my year end season at work would have been setting myself up for failure so I waited.

I love your prayer for this year. I need to be praying it too. I haven't very wise as of late.


I love your birthday 'wish'... Happy Birthday!

Dawn W

Happy belated birthday, Joanne! I'm sorry this is a belated wish - I wasn't on the computer yesterday so I totally missed it.

I, too, love your birthday memory verse - it's one I think all of us moms could relate to and apply. I've (finally!) decided to join your Memory Monday. I haven't had quiet time yet so I'll come back later and let you know what verse I've chosen - or which one is chosen for me.


Holly @ Crownlaiddown

Praying for you this week, dear Joanne! I really am 38 :0) So you are a year younger. Hold on to that 37 as long as you can!

Here is my Memory Monday. Sorry I have been behind of late...


After about four weeks (or so!) I finally got mine memorized and I'm back. Here's my link:
I just love your birthday wish! I think that is so wonderful and it's definitely a wish that I have daily!

I have been debating about my verses and how to memorize more effectively, etc. I had just decided to write them each on an index card, hole punch the cards, and put them on one of those loose ring binders (kind of like a key chain). You can get them at teacher stores and I'm not sure where else. Then when I'm pretty sure I have them down I'll move on to writing them in my notebook to see how well I'm doing and get them down pat. That way I can carry them around and throw them in my purse or whatever, but they are always together. And if I want to keep all my old ones on there I can too.

You're a young thing compared to're even a whole year younger than my sister. I'm 43! Eek! And I haven't had my birthday yet this year.


I have been a semi-regular follower of your blog for the past several months - but this is the first time I have posted.
I, too, have been called by God to naturally, other Christian writers intrigue me.
Anyway, I had to comment on today's post because I love the "one thing" concept. Rich Mullins had a song called "One Thing" that I LOVE. It talks about out of all the things on earth that distract us - Jesus is the ultimate one thing.
One of the lines is: "I don't want to lose the eternal for the things that are passing....". Thought it was appropriate to your one thing of being a wise mother this next year. That will be a blessed endeavor - because you are investing in your children's eternal lives; and that, my friend, is awesome.

May God knock your socks off this year!


Happy Monday! Joanne, I made your Creme Brulee french toast this morning and it was divine, delicious, decadent, DEVOURED! A girlfriend came over for Bible study and we enjoyed this special treat. Thank you for sharing ~smile~

Memory Monday and here it is:


Happy, happy birthday to you...a little late...sorry about that! My M & M is up for your viewing enjoyment! He he he!


I love your idea to change your prayer every year... hope you had a wonderful birthday!


Mine's up finally... nap time didn't come soon enough today! Happy Belated birthday! I think it's awesome to remember daily the gift God has given us as mothers, and it's so important to ask God for wisdom and guidance. Thanks for the reminder!


Happy Belated Birthday, Joanne! And Happy Blogoversary as well! i look forward to reading your posts every week. You're always so encouraging, and you challenge me as well. Thank you for inspiring me in my faith, my family, friends, and home! God's blessings on your 37th birthday! (I celebrated my 40th last November.)...Karen


Happy Happy Birthday. My verse chose me this week -at least I think it did. :)

Wife of Rob

I'm SOOOOO late today...but I'm still here! It's been a REALLY long day! Happy memorizing to everyone this week!


I happen to like your picture. It's a nice memory to have.
That's funny that a verse chose you this week--same with me! My post:
Have a great week y'all!

Holly B.

So glad that you had a lovely birthday with the family. The cake looks scrumptious!


Happy Birthday! I had no idea we were the same age! On May 7th, I will be 37 - a number that doesn't sound too good to me, for some reason. That dinner at your mom's sounds so sweet - and yummy. Hhmmm..... What kind of cake will I want for my bday? I've never thought of a chocolate raspberry one!
I memorized that passage of scripture in Jan. I love it - so beautiful.


Great wish! Happy Birthday!


Happy Birthday! Funny I am also 37. feb 28.great blog a love to read also your book.

Lot's of Happiness!


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