It was been way too long since Lisa and I have had a back and forth Simplify Me post. But when I read this post of hers here, I just had to comment and let you in on it too.
Seriously, it's short, so click here and go read it. Then come back. I'll wait.
::elevator music playing::
As I told her, it's not really the planets aligning just so. It's that she's done some hard work to make some choices about her days and weeks and what she wants them to look like. Some easier than others. Some pretty hard.
It's worth remembering that a good choice doesn't always equal an easy choice. Sometimes the best choices are the ones that are the hardest to make.
Sure, she'll still have days when things aren't going so well, but I'm guessing they'll be fewer and far-er between.
Ahh, we'll get back there. We were doing so well when our entire family shared a 5-day stomach virus (I'll spare you the details), followed by the flu, followed by an out-of-state-Mom who is not doing well. And now, it looks like I never tried to organize anything, or even clean. But because of what we had put into practice (thanks Lisa and Joanne) I am going take a deep breath, say some prayers, and just start to work. What I have learned is that having a temper tantrum and pouting and picking a fight with my husband (I'm not the only one am I?) doesn't get the job done, it just makes it more unpleasant.
Thanks for letting me e-vent.
Kim Feth
Apex, NC
Posted by: Kim Feth | March 10, 2009 at 02:11 PM
I searched your site just now (7:25pm, Wed.)looking for maybe a word from God about a choice I need to make . . .then I spot your words, " a good choice does not always equal an easy choice." I was invited to see "Two Lovers" with Gyweneth Paltrow (who I like so much) but the movie is R. I've debated all day about it. But, I know God has said to make the better choice. Thanks Joanne and thanks God. Missi :)
Posted by: Missi Smith | March 11, 2009 at 04:28 PM