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Kim Feth

What's worked and failed miserably? For me, those two things are wrapped up together. First thing in the morning. It's worked in the past because the clothes were already picked out and ironed, lunches already packed, school stuff already by the door. When those things that simplify aren't there, then I typically get too overwhelmed by the busyness of this life to settle in to a quiet time.
I've also recently realized that depending on my husband to be spiritually strong so that I could 'jump start' my walk wasn't based in reality and was blaming my husband for something that wasn't his. It's my journey. I have to make it the priority.
I've also learned I can't wait for the house to be perfect before I settle in with God and His word. That day never comes.
We have a tough family schedule, so I've just downloaded a Beth Moore study that I haven't already done so that it can be done from the couch.
On my way to have mine this morning.
Can't wait to see what others have to say.
Kim Feth
Apex, NC


What works for me?
If you're nursing a baby, that gives you plenty of down time to read your Bible!

I also find putting a Bible next to the toilet is a good way (or while you're eating breakfast).

If I set out my Bible/journal/Bible study where I will see it, that helps. Or I put it next to the remote control to remind myself to have my devotions before watching TV.

Accountability is important. I lead a small group, so I have to go through one chapter a week. (We're in Philippians now). If you're going to be discussing it with someone, you know you can't keep putting it off.

I have this format that I use to study any passage in the Bible. It has you read the text, go back and underline whatever stands out to you, write down observations, write down questions you may have, answer those questions using Scripture, write how your life should change because of what you just read, and journal a prayer to God. I've been doing one section a day. For me it helps to guide me through and make what I'm learning stick. Choosing a verse for each chapter to memorize also helps keep it in your heart!


What works for me? After I get my older two off for school in the morning, and while my youngest is still sleeping, that is when my quiet time is. I go right to the same place everytime - my kitchen table. I usually make coffee first, then sit down with my bible, and a journal (also a bible study - which I am usually doing one). A lot of time I use a devotional journal - my favorite is "Whispers of Hope" - a Beth Moore devotional journal - it is amazing. My biggest challenges: the computer. It distracts me and "calls" me. If I could ignore the computer and the phone, my quiet time would be uninterrupted. As you said, it does change life - for that I am proof!

Helen at A Work of Heart

Great question!

What has worked best for me is to plan know the saying plan ahead or plan to fail and for me this is true.

I have all my quiet time "stuff" in a basket with handles that I can tote to my preferred spot to Bible, my journal,my pens, highlighters, any devotional that I am reading through and Venite.

I have found that I should just focus on the basics...prayer and time in the Word and journaling which really is more prayer and reflection. Whenever I try to do too many things like adding a Bible study...I just don't have adequate time for everything. I leave that for another time in the day or evening.

Right now I am reading through the Bible with a plan that takes you through the OT once and the NT twice and reading a great devotional called For the Love of God by D.A. Carson that is based on the same reading schedule...I really like it but lately I have felt like I need to just digest smaller bits of scripture.

God is showing me that it doesn't have to be the same all the time...the important thing is to meet with Him and let Him speak to me...I tend to be a bit of a perfectionist so it has been a challenge to take a break from the "assigned" readings and just go where the Lord leads but I am learning to just pick right up with the readings whenever I get back to them...because what I am learning is that this is my journey with the is not about checking off a box but having spent time in His presence no matter what it looks like from day to day.

In approaching it this way, it is funny because I feel like I have taken a deep breath and exhaled and can really enjoy God...does that make sense?


Three little kids get in the way of a "quite" time. There is not much quite around my house. I also homeschool so the four of us are together all the time. I realized the "quiet" part of my time is limited to early morning or after bedtime. But I can still have time with God with my kids running around. It is good for them to see and understand waiting a minute because Mommy is reading the Bible. Actually, a few years ago my then 4 year old was eating breakfast and I was reading the Bible out aload to myself. It was a scripture about the Holy Spirit. He was listening (which I did not realize completely) and he asked, "Mom, how do I get that spirit?" I then preceed to explain salvation to him and he accepted Christ. I completely need to get the quite reflective part of a quiet time but remember noise kids times work too.

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