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Thanks for this idea! I remember watching and wanting to be Wonder Woman when I was little.

Amy N.

oh i had the wonder woman underoos. i even have a photo with me in them. :)


oops. sorry for the double post. feel free to delete one. my computer is acting strange this evening.


Hmmmmmm........... I know someone has a birthday coming up!


LOL... I love it!!! :) I love finding movie sites for free. :)


That's hilarious!

Robynn's Ravings

Thanks for the heads up! I was a huge WW fan as well. Never missed an episode.


I wanted to be a Power Ranger, Batman and Spiderman!


When I clicked on the amazon link, the suggested item under it was red leather go go boots, which gave me quite the laugh to start off my morning! :)

Mary @ Simple Things

I keep seeing these sites for tv shows and movies. Do you watch them on your computer or tv? If you are watching them on the tv, how do you hook it up?


Your post brings back so many memories! When I was in 4th grade, our family had a portrait made, and guess who decided she wanted to smile like WW? Me! It is the most cheesy portrait ever made, but my parents still have it hanging in their house, I guess to torment me. I now watch WW episodes with my 12 y/o daughter, and we just love them. So glad to know about the free sites because we cut way back on Netflix, too. I've been following your blog a couple of weeks now, and I have to tell you how much I love it! It is like a breath of fresh air amidst all the other junk that's on the internet. Thanks for sharing, for your transparency, and for pointing ladies to Christ. Blessings!


I remember being in first grade, and so frustrated that my infernal headband wouldn't stay in the middle of my forehead like WW's did.


My boys just watched old Superfiends cartoons last night. I watched them as a girl on Saturday mornings...after my chores were done. Our public library is a great rescource for old movies and films on DVD.

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