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Missi Smith

How wonderful to be able to talk about the Bible at school. Your disguise was great and I'm sure the kids loved it! Blessings-Missi

Marla Taviano

Oh. My. Word.
You're awesome.

Mary @ Simple Things

How cool!? This must be the Chapel that you had planned back when it snowed. No wonder you were disappointed to miss it. I'll bet the kids hung on your every word. And yes, moustaches are itchy to all involved.


It's pretty sad and disturbing when your wife has more facial hair than you do!

Melissa @ Breath of Life

Did the kids say anything about your earrings? :-)


How adorable!

And what a great learning experience for them! Perfect.

And I was just thinking the same thing as Melissa....were there questions about the earrings with the mustache?!


My kids would have loved a presentation like that. :)
My (1st grade) son just decided he was going to read the Children's Discovery Bible starting at the beginning on his own. Most likely, he will. I think he has better discipline than I do.


Thanks for the laugh! I needed it. I love the diamond nose stud. It adds that certain something. Poor Toben.
Thank you also for your card. I just found it in my mailbox. Fast! It means a lot. I'm going to hang it up where I can see it all the time!


Oh dearie...I think you need to change your profile pic...I've just found a new favorite of you!! You must have been a blast in chapel and you're girls were probably so proud to have their fun Mama there!!


Oh the things we will do for the Lord!

Lisa R-P

What fun! I am surprised that you didn't dress like Nancy Drew. Your girls must have been so proud and excited.


I want to come to chapel... sounds like fun!

Dawn W

How cool are you?! I don't ever remember having a chapel that fun.

What? Toben didn't like the mustache? Next you're going to tell us he doesn't like hairy legs, too. Sheesh! LOL



What an awesome thing!!!! And I LOVE your costume!


What a handsome detective (:


Marla took the words right out of my mouth. :-)

Holly B.

How fun! You are too cool, Joanne!


I love it! I found your site through LPM and have enjoyed checking it out.

My husband and I got to see Beth Moore in Lancaster last week and it was just awesome. What an incredible lady she is!

Blessings to you!

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