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I am halfway through the first book in the Mark of The Lion series - and can't put it down, so I don't know what the links are, but I will be checking them out immediately. I LOVE Francine Rivers books and can't seem to get enough of them.


I have to do all the mandatory stuff (cooking, cleaning, decor), but what I am REALLY trying to do is get my heart ready. I wasnt in the right frame of mind last year (had a 7 week old), so this year I want to be intentional about it....


Hello Joanne! I just read Janna's latest entry about the dedication in the book you wrote. That's awesomely sweet of you, Joanne! You totally rock! (:

Kim Feth

Wow, are my eyes opening and my heart excited! I've never heard of a Seder meal before - and don't know that I have the $$ to pull it off this year. But we can definitely do the cookies - and will!
Thanks for that one. I'm so excited.
Kim Feth
Apex, NC


Unfortunately, as a PW I sometimes feel like my job is just to help the family "survive" during holidays. But now that I write those words, I guess that's a choice I'm making - a total excuse. It stinks sometimes... but now that's my depression talking! Boy am I messed up or what! Thank you for this post... you've helped me re-think my plans for the rest of the weekend!


This year is full of new experiences for our family. We started going to church again regularly in November - thanks in large part to your blog and others I've found in the past year - and became members at the end of March. Last Saturday, we participated in a church program called Journey to the Cross geared towards elementary school kids. It was amazing and interactive and the whole family enjoyed it. Then on Sunday, we did a Hike to the Cross at the top of a mountain in our town. It had 10 stops up the hill that discussed Jesus' last days. Finally, the Easter Bunny's big gift this year will be a set of Resurrection Eggs - I'm sooo exited about these and hope that my 2 girls will enjoy them too. I love your idea about the Easter Story cookies and I'm glad that you posted the recipe early enough. I've already put that on the list for Saturday night. Whew...that was a long answer for your short question! :)

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