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Mary @ Simple Things

We began recycling a few months ago and I have noticed the same thing about the trash. We used to have tons of trash and now it's very little. We are fortunate to live in a city that offers curside recycling. I don't know how good I would be if I actually had to haul it off on my own.


Always recycle...I agree our city does curb side but not paper so I don't recycle it. My husband made a great door stop from 2 liter soda jugs, old cement he is great.

I know a couple of weeks ago we talked about The Grocery Game...I just did a total on the groceries to date for the month...$307 one more week to go. Last month was $673. I am not buying stuff I don't normally use I tend to shop the outside of the grocery store. It does take some time though.

Kim Feth

Enjoy that family time. I'm in a season of life where I'm realizing being frugal means frugal with my time wasters and being in the moment. Still working at it hard.
Kim Feth
Apex, NC


What is Skype?

Glad your hubby is coming home - I'm sure all of you are excited for him to be home and you get to discuss all the "moving" details!

Yes, being in a library surrounded by all of those books would be soooo distracting to me. I LOVE to get new books and am on a reading streak right now that I can't stop!


All the best with the retreat speech! And your studies! My exams started yesterday. 4 more papers to go. Last one on May 6th. Can't wait!

I'm excited about you guys moving to Phoenix. Not that we're gonna be anywhere nearer but still, it's exciting when it comes to moving (usually)!

Oh and before I go, I love Skype! It's wonderful! (:


I'm so excited for you about the retreat you are speaking at. I am retreat coordinator at our I'm partial...and I KNOW you are going to BLESS them abundantly!

As far as recycling...and less garbage...amen to that! Ours is so much less, feels good.

Have a wonderful weekend...


"Used to be two full cans every week!"

wow!!!! that's a lot of trash. is this only due to recycling? or have you changed something else as well?

for the past 8 years (since we moved to colorado and have been living on our own) we've averaged one to two bags of trash a week. we had more than that in san francisco, but we also had 3 housemates and often company would come and bring their trash with them (from take-out meals). but even then we still only had one regular sized can each week. i'd be very hard pressed to come up with enough stuff to fill two cans (or even one of those larger cans) each week. i've always wondered how people did it.

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