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Hmmm - I have never received my copy, but I think I may have emailed you too late to get on the list. I would still love to read it...



This post is exactly the transformation that has happened in me. No more doing it out of obligation, but because of desire. I look forward to hearing from God! I look forward to applying what I hear to my daily life.

A wise Pastor once told me that the Word of God is not for your information, but for your transformation.
Blessings - Lisa

Melissa @ Breath of Life

I got my copy last week. It's in my stack to read. Hopefully soon!

Marla Taviano

Ooooh, I hope mine comes soon!


Love the book. I'm about 3/4 through it and then I will read it again... I can't help but read it quickly the first time through. I wrote a post on it... initial thoughts and will write more through my discovery. Way to go!

Tammy S.

I just got my copy the other day in the mail and I am reading it while I run on our elliptical at night. It makes the running go by a lot faster:) I really like what I've read so far, and can't wait to finish it!


Here is my link... I forgot to leave it before.


Sweet girl,
I just got my copy 4 days ago and can NOT wait to dig into it!! I was worried it got lost as it took awhile to get here, but no mind because it is one worth the wait...I just skimmed yesterday and it is a gem for sure! I believe a slow soak is what it takes for this book!


I got my copy in the mail today. Can't wait to start reading it!


I got my copy two days ago and the first chapter really inspired me. I needed to hear that I am not alone in those feelings of defeat and frustration. I will let you know when I review it!


I just got my copy on Tuesday and am halfway through. So much I love about it already. I have ENJOYED a morning quiet time for years and feel like I have to have it in order to function. When I don't get to it, I feel my entire family suffers.

Anyway, can't wait to finish and review on my blog!


I got my copy! Excited to get started on it!! :)


I love what you said, because there is surely a difference. When I get into the "swing of things", by sticking to a morning quiet time, I am IN LOVE with it, and can't wait. As soon as I begin to see it as something I SHOULD do/HAVE to do, I begin to slack off. Now you make me want your book. I will have to get it one day.


I haven't read your book (or signed up for a copy - is it too late?) I did get your Happily Ever After book for my daughter (who's getting married in a couple of months - EEK!). That's how I discovered and began reading your blog. Love it! Anyway, I enjoyed your explanation this morning about quiet time. I teach junior high and high school girls, and it seems like we're always beating them over the head with the "Prayer and Bible Study" stick! I pray that we can communicate that we "get to," we're "invited to," we're "blessed to." Thanks!


Amen about the quiet time. I look forward to it each gets me started on the right foot!


Thank you for the review copy, which I received one week ago. I've read it, loved it, and the review is up on my blog here:

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