Made it through the day: chapel, run to the Girl Scout store, class for two hours, Girl Scout meeting with Emma's troop. Home. Deep breath.
Catch up on email, help Emma with homework, gather leftovers for dinner. Eat dinner. Watch Toben clean it up. (Dishes=boy job in this house!) Deep breath.
Mondays with Girl Scouts just wear me out. Though to be honest, I couldn't stop yawning in class. Sorry to my professor! I was really interested in what she was saying, was loving it, but every once in a while I just had to yawn. One of those big yawns that you can't stifle. I so hope she didn't notice.
Cause how awful is it to have your class/audience/group yawn at you?!
Speaking of talking to a bunch of people...keep the amazing input coming. I'm LOVING all your help and advice for this retreat and if I can manage to cover it all no one will be yawning because I'll have to talkreallyreallyreallyfast to get it all in!
I'm seeing some themes, some big ideas come up again and again. So, so helpful. Thank you a zillion.
Audrey stayed home from school today--fever is better, but the cough is crazy. So she's staying home again tomorrow. No way she'll take it easy if she's at school with her friends. Besides, with all that coughing, no amount of covering her mouth is going to keep her from spreading germs. So, here's a big "you're welcome" to all the other parents in her class.
I was supposed to have a secret club meeting tomorrow, but one friend (Hi Kristin--feel better soon!) is fighting what her son has, so we're calling off our movie day. Which equals an empty day on the calendar.
My other friend (Hi Yvette!) said I could come anyway, but since I do have some big papers to write and we are going to hang out on Saturday (we're going to see 17 Again), this is probably best. Which means my day is full again--but a staying home kind of full.
Prayers for a productive day tomorrow would be greatly appreciated!
I'm still yawning, so I'm thinking it's time for some "reverse sleeping in."
Since I don't sleep in and can't really sleep in on a school day even if I could somehow stay asleep past 6:30, when I'm really tired I do the opposite and go to bed ridiculously early. Yes, yes, I know that some of you think that I go to bed ridiculously early already, but we're talking before 8 kind of early, rather than a by 9 kind of early, which is a perfectly respectable hour to go to bed in my book.
Just think of it as sleeping nice and late, but flipped backwards.
I'm curious about this secret club meeting. Would you mind telling me what that is and what you do at these meetings? Very intriguing.
Also, I was wondering what time you go to bed and get up each morning--like how much sleep do you get? Sometimes I wish I could go to bed earlier, but my husband is a night owl (we're talking midnight or 1am is his bedtime) and I like us to go to bed together. Is it too nosy to ask if Toben goes to bed early, too? (Please don't answer anything that is too personal for you!!!)
Posted by: Bethany Peters | April 13, 2009 at 07:29 PM
"Just think of it as sleeping nice and late, but flipped backwards." --> Yup, it's definitely flipped backwards. ;)
Posted by: Puva | April 14, 2009 at 05:20 AM
Just thanking your for keeping your sick kid home from school. I thought I was the only one left who did that.
Hope you enjoyed your "reverse sleep in".
Posted by: gretchen | April 14, 2009 at 06:39 AM
Reverse sleeping in -- that is what I did last night when I was in bed by 9pm. It was lovely. Tonight I made a pot of coffee at 9pm and pulled open my brief case -- not reverse sleeping in.
Posted by: Lisa R-P | April 14, 2009 at 08:21 PM
I love your blog! This is one of my favorites!! Really good information. Mike Brown
Posted by: Free Games | August 04, 2011 at 11:25 AM