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Bethany Peters

I'm curious about this secret club meeting. Would you mind telling me what that is and what you do at these meetings? Very intriguing.

Also, I was wondering what time you go to bed and get up each morning--like how much sleep do you get? Sometimes I wish I could go to bed earlier, but my husband is a night owl (we're talking midnight or 1am is his bedtime) and I like us to go to bed together. Is it too nosy to ask if Toben goes to bed early, too? (Please don't answer anything that is too personal for you!!!)


"Just think of it as sleeping nice and late, but flipped backwards." --> Yup, it's definitely flipped backwards. ;)


Just thanking your for keeping your sick kid home from school. I thought I was the only one left who did that.

Hope you enjoyed your "reverse sleep in".

Lisa R-P

Reverse sleeping in -- that is what I did last night when I was in bed by 9pm. It was lovely. Tonight I made a pot of coffee at 9pm and pulled open my brief case -- not reverse sleeping in.

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I love your blog! This is one of my favorites!! Really good information. Mike Brown

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