Okay, I'm getting back on track with Lisa after my bloggy break. We're talking about quiet time, and I asked her what questions she had. Here's her response:
Oh my how much time do we have to talk? I have so many questions...how do you get past the fear of inadequacy that I listed above, how do you become a morning person, can you recommend a really good devotional, when you journal do you just write free form or do your daily entries follow the same format, how do you keep yourself on track with an early morning rising time, are you legalistic about your quiet time, how do you organize and format your quiet time, do you have quiet time every day, if/when you miss your quiet time how do you feel? I think that covers most of my questions.
So, let me give it a shot. With the understanding that I don't have all the answers, but I'm happy to share my own experience and what works for me. So if any of you have different responses, chime in the conversation, okay?
How much time do we have to talk? As long as it takes! I'll answer a few for now and we can keep going from there.
How do you become a morning person? I'm a big believer in first thing quiet time. Because I know myself and my tendency to get off track quickly, I need to start my day on the right path--with my heart and mind set on God. (And even with that, I can get off track all too easily!)
First thing means different things to different people. I get up at 5 a.m. (No, wait, keep reading--I'm NOT saying you have to get up that early too!)
For this season in my life, that's what works best for me and for my family. But some of you may not need to get up and out the door, others may have small children and morning nap time is an obvious "first thing" kind of a time for you. First just means before your day really gets going.
I will say that if what's going to work best for you is early morning and you're not sure about being a morning person, you can ask God for help. And he will help. Not a wave a magic wand, make you get up at o-dark-thirty singing like Snow White kind of a help. But he will help you make some choices to get out of bed.
So much of it is about choice. If you're going to get up earlier, you may need to go to bed earlier. And clean the kitchen the night before and get the coffee ready, because even though I've been getting up at 5:00 for years, if the kitchen sink is a mess and the coffee's not ready, I have a miserable time getting up.
Do you have quiet time every day? If/when you miss your quiet time, how do you feel? Yes, I do have my quiet time every day.
It has become part of my routine, like drinking coffee or eating breakfast or brushing my teeth. When I first began, though, it wasn't every day because it just takes time for something to become part of your routine, to feel normal.
Very rarely, I do miss it. Girl Scout camp or vacation--usually when I'm out of my normal routine is when it's easiest to skip it. How do I feel? Just fine for the first day, but any longer than that and my family starts to notice that something's not quite right.
I need God. Without him and time spent alone with him in prayer and study and conversation, I become more self-centered, less patient, angry even. I need time with him to remind me of how to live and without that I quickly fall into focusing entirely upon myself and how everyone else around me can make me happy. It's not pretty.
I'll come back and tackle more of Lisa's questions in another post, but I'm hungry and off to make a big bowl of grits. (Yes, I do like them! Swimming in maple syrup. Mmm...)
If this whole idea of quiet time is new to you and you have lots of questions, feel free to ask away. Also (shameless book plug coming!) this is really the heart of my newest book, Misplacing God. You can get a copy by clicking on Amazon shop link in the sidebar, or by clicking directly on the Misplacing God link under My Books at the top of the sidebar on the right.
Thanks for your post. It was a timely read for me. I look forward to reading more of your posts on this topic.
Hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Posted by: Karen | April 04, 2009 at 01:24 PM
I love to have my quiet time being quiet but if that does not happen...my little kids get up early then I still try and have but not quiet. I am probably not as focused but I think it is okay or even good to tell my kids (6,4, and 2). Mommy is reading the Bible and to wait a moment. It is really good to have the see me in the Word. So if the early time still get interupted remember you still have more time in the day...even though it might be harder.
Posted by: Kimberly | April 05, 2009 at 06:51 PM
I look forward to my quiet time each morning. I have my coffee ready, and keep the lights low. There's something peaceful about me, God and one single lamp.
I have found that if I'm later going to bed than I'd planned, I'll pray before I fall asleep and ask the Lord to help me get out of bed in the morning. It works, too! (But by that evening, I'm dragging & ready to get to bed early!)
Posted by: Melissa @ Breath of Life | April 06, 2009 at 05:48 AM