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« Frugal Friday time again | Main | Simplify Me: More answers to Lisa's quiet time questions »


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Thanks for your post. It was a timely read for me. I look forward to reading more of your posts on this topic.

Hope you have a wonderful weekend!


I love to have my quiet time being quiet but if that does not little kids get up early then I still try and have but not quiet. I am probably not as focused but I think it is okay or even good to tell my kids (6,4, and 2). Mommy is reading the Bible and to wait a moment. It is really good to have the see me in the Word. So if the early time still get interupted remember you still have more time in the day...even though it might be harder.

Melissa @ Breath of Life

I look forward to my quiet time each morning. I have my coffee ready, and keep the lights low. There's something peaceful about me, God and one single lamp.

I have found that if I'm later going to bed than I'd planned, I'll pray before I fall asleep and ask the Lord to help me get out of bed in the morning. It works, too! (But by that evening, I'm dragging & ready to get to bed early!)

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