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I so hoped you would do a video to tell of your weekend. WOW WOW WOW is right. God is SO GOOD. And when He uses us like that is nothing less than a miracle...and an anointing...and a blessing. I have this feeling that God is going to ask me to speak...and to write...and I can't even believe I'm putting this to ink,so to speak...and on a virtual strangers blog to boot! Or...maybe a virtual kindred spirit...who knows. Either way...I loved hearing your experience speaking at the retreat. God is good...and you were obedient. And thank you for confirming what has been on my heart so heavily....encourage. Encourage. Encourage. Be a blessing...and an others. Absolutely. Just last Saturday I stepped down from being the retreat was time to move out from under my "leader". There is no encouragement there...and became an unhealthy situation. This is confirmation that I did the right hard as it was.

OK...I've written a novel. I just had to encourage YOU that your sharing and your transparency is appreciated.

Mary @ Simple Things

Discouraged? That's me. I wish I'd been there because it sounds amazing. I'm so glad that what started out as a rough weekend turned around for you. Honestly, it's been years since I've felt that feeling of literally being engulfed by God's presence. I long for that.

Holly @ Crownlaiddown

I'm so glad, friend. I was praying for you all weekend long. Love you much in Jesus and am SO proud of your courage to speak His Word boldly!!

Helen at A Work of Heart

Oh Joanne,

The sweet tenderness, faithfulness, fragrance, favor and anointing of the Lord.

I am so happy to hear the report and to hear you speak the just moved me.

How like our God to do a boomerang blessing to went out to bless and He blessed you in ways that you did not imagine.

Your word on discouragement was deeply impactful and touching to me today...discouragement hit me last night...but a good time reading a psalm this morning and prayer journaling through the verses helped and a friend that listened and didn't need gaps filled in helped as well...and hearing a good report of His continued faithfulness and power despite our frailities helped as well.

Doing a virtual happy dance with you!


Thanks for the great update. God was faithful. Always is.

And I was so focused on your recap that I barely noticed you only had one earring! ;-)

Seriously, it's been an honor to pray for you during this time!



I felt so emotional just watching you. What you have said has really touched me.

I'm feeling really discouraged at the moment. I'm doing assignments at university and just totally doubting myself that I can do these well.

I pray about them and I hear God encouraging me, telling me that I am quite capable and that I will be a good teacher. But I don't take it to heart. I forget what I hear Him say.

I was speaking to a friend she told me you CAN do this you ARE capable. I closed my eyes and knew that God was speaking through my friend. I got on with my assignment and I feel that I've done a good job.

You are so right, discouragement is paralyzing. But listening to God can only be a good thing!

Thank you so much for sharing. I feel as though you are a real blessing in my life. I love to hear you speak about your powerful faith.

*Love the shoes!

Marla Taviano

You are so awesome with your videos. One of these days I'll be brave enough. :)

PRAISE GOD for working in and through you, in spite of you, FOR you. I love you, Lord!! You too, Joanne!


This might seem totally off-topic but, I really like your voice! It's cute and sweet!


Yeah God! Thanks for sharing, and a video to boot. I miss you so much it feels like I have not "seen" you forever! I am so glad the weekend turned out to be wonderful and a blessing for all the women and a blessing for you too. I am praying for you to finish these last two (three?) weeks strong! I know we will have a wonderful celebration very soon. Thanks for sharing all about your weekend, and I LOVE THAT SONG!
Love you!


Oh and one more thing to add.

After listening to your post, I feel like asking you something. "May I give you a hug, Joanne?"

Holly B.

Thanking God for what He did in you and through you as I take a break from moving! Hugs from Paris!

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